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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/23 in Posts

  1. I've found the source of the problem. It turned out to be third-party components - ESBPCS for VCL. If they are disabled, then the problem disappears. As @balabuev rightly pointed out, here's what's to blame: "Non-standard property editors are installed. More technically, this happens when a property editor implements the ICustomPropertyDrawing interface but does not implement the more recently introduced ICustomPropertyDrawing80 interface." The developer of these components has already been notified.
  2. As of Delphi 11.2 they fixed the wholeword option handing (https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-20731) however they changed the way that SelStart works when searching backwards (its' now -1 based instead of zero based..) To fix it to match the earlier behavior you have to do something like: if soDown in StringOptions then Result := SearchBuf(Buf, BufLen, SelStart, SelLength, SearchString, StringOptions) else Result := SearchBuf(Buf, BufLen, SelStart - 1, SelLength, SearchString, StringOptions); Basically, when searching backwards a SelStart of zero means to start the search at char position 1. Maybe there's some reason to make it work that way, but it's a change from earlier versions where searching forwards and backwards used the easier to understand base of zero as the start of the search. I haven't created a bug report for this as I had some problems with attempting to do it recently. Also is there a way to do an ifdef specific to 11.2?
  3. Cristian Peța

    Free profiler?

    Intel VTune with map2pdb
  4. If nobody files a bug report, there will be no fix.
  5. Gary

    Free profiler?

    Sampling Profiler - DelphiTools
  6. Uwe Raabe

    Your experience with custom styles - do they work well?

    Ehm, what were your hope based on then? Random mutations of code caused by solar flares?
  7. Sherlock

    Delphi 12 IDE, auto-formatter mutilates generics

    Sorry about that, that was just my humorous side getting the better of me, I know there will be no Version 13 - but if there ever was, it would aptly be named after a town with a "witch problem".
  8. Giorgi Chapidze

    Spring4d compile error on Delphi CE 10.4.2

    By the way, you are the lead for Spring4d, right? I am curious if you are working on the new release. I am fond of your project, and if I had expertise, it would be an honor to contribute to it. Thanks for your work.