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Everything posted by Rollo62

  1. Rollo62

    Publishing iOS apps

    Would be a very useful option. Unfortunately I have never noticed this in my keychain.
  2. Rollo62

    Publishing iOS apps

    You better check the link, and check your Apple MemberCenter first, if you don't have access probably Apple won't let you in w/o permission from the original developer account.
  3. Rollo62

    Publishing iOS apps

    From your explanation I'm unsure if the project already has been registered in the Apple Developer Membercenter at all. Was the app distributed once before, or not, ? Then you should have followed all these steps. Have you checked if there is a provisioning certificate for distribution ? The apps BundleID shall match the former settings 1:1.
  4. @Hans♫ Have you tried this with a complete new, empty project from the scratch ? if not I would recommend so.
  5. @Schokohase I do write untit tests, and I know about the problems that globals and threads can create. Still I think in many cases, like above data storage which are seldomly accessed, the risk may be acceptable. Also not many Singleton implementations out there seems to care about thread safety. So does your post mean that you would generally recommend to make the global singletons threadsafe ?
  6. @PeterBelow I prefer the same, and use it in many places like that. But not all the time (usually these classes are called seldomly), but there is always a tiny chance that these singletons might crash because they are not threadsafe. I never had such case, but its always on my mind that it could in some cases, where those failures would be hard to find. Would you recommend or not recommend to make such simple data storage classes generally threadsafe ?
  7. Same what I think. If missing clarity would have been a problem, then it would take only a few hours to correct that, before loosing hundrets of loyal customers. Such a big damage to Embarcaderos trust and reputation (again and again) should not left open with two eyes closed by the management.
  8. Rollo62

    Any tips to speed up Android linking and deployment?

    Debugging works for me (most of the time). Generally I have ony the tip to keep apps as modular as posssible, so to be able to test each module functinaly separately. Best of all try to develop single modules under Win or if special mobile behaviour: test under Android/iOS, so to reach reasonable turnaround cycles. Smaller, separated test apps compile usually fine and also deployment is much faster. Only when the app is close to final testing the complete final app, by putting all single modules together, is slower and then hopefully works as expected. Also I wonder where the bottlenecks really lay and howto improve, but this is probably by a lot of files shuffling around for signing, deployment, packaging, etc. So a fast hardware and SSD and enough RAM capacity is of coarse a must.
  9. Rollo62

    Any tips to speed up Android linking and deployment?

    For example in Debug mode: you can change the Project Options\Compiling\Debugging\Debug informatioin to "Limited Debug information". Debugging on mobile is limited anyway (sadly), so it doesn't make sense to keep full info here.
  10. I use VMware. But also there it makes much sense to have a clean install after time to time, to cleanup messy IDE setups.
  11. I asked myself if this "free learning" is confirmed from the authors, or if Packt chooses books randomly on their own, w/o permission ? Would be good to know if somebody thinks about publishing with Packt.
  12. I'm a big fan of free and open source software too, and actually try to build my infrastructure around it, if possible. Building up a community is a great thing, when looking to Apple, Google and Microsoft, but also hard and costly promotional work usually. But to be fair, those big communities might get back-supported by return on investment from other products, like hardware, search engines, whatever. For a company living from pure IDE and frameworks alone its much harder to find reasonable ROI, so far I can understand Embarcadero's mindset. Example for such similar companies are maybe IDEA, RemObjects, which also have to sell their software for a living. In contrast to Embarcadero they seem to manage their community growing well, probably by avoiding launching new, scaring actions of their company management all the time. The only value of all these IDE related companies lay in their loyal COMMUNITY, not in their products itself, when will Embarcadero ever understand that simple fact ?
  13. Rollo62

    A YAML Library for Delphi

    Thanks for the nice library. Maybe this is also an useful info to get a better understanding how it is related to the JSON format.
  14. Rollo62

    RadStudio Roadmap 2019

    Right, but you can never be sure about some unexpected sidekicks ... We have to hope that the choice might be wise and long-lasting.
  15. Rollo62

    RadStudio Roadmap 2019

    Surely there will be a Beta phase before, which should allow to produce productive code as well.
  16. It should have some visual impression too ... If Delphi is like that, maybe I can forgive
  17. Rollo62

    Pas2js for Delphi

    Is this related somehow to the Pas2Js compiler TMS uses, or do they have a complete different fork ?
  18. Rollo62

    Delphi for HUAWEI OS?

    Embarcadero backwards = 0-red acrab me Which is an acronym for: "I'm not afraid of red party"
  19. Rollo62

    Delphi for HUAWEI OS?

    Im afraid my IDE sometimes feels a little "Chinese made" already nowadays.
  20. Rollo62

    10.3.1 has been released

    @Dalija Prasnikar I also prefer and love the bright theme, and still use it now. But in the long run, over many years staring into bright LEDs (probably with bluelight hazard) , this can turn into eye damage when you're getting older. Also bright theme can affect the sleep behaviour, when not enabling the nightshift functions in modern OS. This is not openly discussed out there from the IT world, but I'm very sure that this can and will be an issue for many developers, staring into screens day in day out. When you looking into the safety requirements for Laser and LED regarding photobiological safety, you will find that there are already a lot of hazard and safety considerations in place-. Anyway, I think its also possible to change habits: When computes started in the dark ages, we loved to stare into green screens, then with the Turbo-products we loved the blue screen theme (which is now known as an AV), now we're on the bright theme, and the dark theme is already the trend (we probably missed still ).
  21. Rollo62

    10.3.1 has been released

    Probably so But have you considered that a dark theme is probably better to keep your eyesight intact ?
  22. Rollo62

    Android ADB devices offline, best practices

    Thanks for your proposal, I considered that option before. The USB worked always well, and I doubt the Wifi connection would be not as fast as USB. Maybe this is vice-versa meanwhile. Anyway, I will try be able to try Wifi ADB later, since my current setup is for USB. By the way: The external USB2.0 hub seems really to solve the issue, today I have never seen this issue again. So with ADB debugging we have to consider the hardware (cable, ports, hubs, etc.) as well as the ADB drivers.
  23. Its easy to build an automated "training device" with this Bluetooth stuff, RadServer for IoT, GIT and a CI-Server. https://www.amazon.com/PetSafe-Smart-Bluetooth-Training-Collar/dp/B01K73MUTI (If you google somewhat deeper you will find versions with high voltage electroshock too ). (I like to get one for myself sometimes, to get a shock whenever I did something wrong).
  24. Rollo62

    MacOS development environment

    Yes, I have 1:1 same configuration, which is really a pleasure to work with. Only the 2013 MB got a little aged now, so I decided to update to a 2018 MB too, which compared to the old version runs about 50% or more faster even. Still I have the old MB in heavy use, and I hope it will last another 10 years. Regarding the kb/mouse, are these supporting the multi-device feature (one kb/mouse can be switched to up to 3 different machines and OS) ? I think the combination K780 and this mouse would support that, but I haven't tried the mouse yet. The idea is to use ONE kb/mouse and switch between Win, Macos and a Server by just pressing a button on the keyboard. Is your keyboard/mouse also supporting such easy switch between the running machinges on the fly ? I'm currently loking for the most easy solution, but haven't decided yet.
  25. Rollo62

    MacOS development environment

    Pls see VmWares requirements too. Yes, usually they recommend 2GB for the guests, which is fine. Only on the Windows side I tend to put 4GB. 16GB should be OK then, but the question is what is your setup: How many VM's you want to run in parallel (Macos-XCode,, Win-Workstation, Win-Server, CI-Server, Linux, ...) ? They all will eat their memory, I usually have 2-3 running in parallel, but if I have another urgent case I like to open no. 4 as well. But its also OK to close one and open another, since VM's are fast this is no big deal. I used 16GB before, and upgraded now to 32GB, to stay on the safe side for the coming years. More important is the SSD size, because VM you like to copy around with older, newer setups. @Sherlock Yes, you'right: I only can tell about my case (sorry for sounding like an VmWare salesman ). Also Parallels and VirtualBox have nice daughters. But Parallels is living more in the OSX-world alone, thats why I prefer VmWare. Nevertheless what VM or what setup you have, I think VM is a livesaver providing easy and fast testing new OSX and XCode-Versions, w/o destroying your working environment. In mobile its no longer that you can keep your environment more or less static over the years, but you have to adapt to all the changes from Apple, Android, Windows, Linux, etc., which appear to come nearly every 1-3 month in the average. The more OS, the more headaches ...