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Dmitry Arefiev

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Dmitry Arefiev last won the day on January 15 2023

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Community Reputation

109 Excellent


Technical Information

  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. Dmitry Arefiev

    FireDAC MySQL Driver Not Working

  2. Dmitry Arefiev

    SQLite and calculated columns

  3. Dmitry Arefiev

    Sqlite Delphi 12 linker error

    You should set TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink.EngineLinkage to slFDEStatic. Then check your uses clauses. Application should have only single unit from these: FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.FDEStat FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.SEEStat FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.Stat
  4. Dmitry Arefiev

    SQLite insert size beyond declaration

  5. Dmitry Arefiev

    How to solve System Out of Resources in TScrollBox

    ... or TControlList
  6. Dmitry Arefiev

    Get Class Properties by ClassName

  7. Yes, it is. Did you read about "...::type" syntax ?
  8. https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Using_SQLite_with_FireDAC#Adjusting_FireDAC_Mapping
  9. What is your Windows version ?
  10. var s: ssShift .. ssHorizontal; or upgrade to Delphi 12 and use TShiftStateItem.
  11. Can you share the URL and request ?
  12. Dmitry Arefiev

    FireDac PostgreSQL Parameters

    Please read my comment above.
  13. Dmitry Arefiev

    FireDac PostgreSQL Parameters

  14. This is about Firebird, but is equally applicable to InterBase: https://www.firebirdfaq.org/faq29/
  15. InterBase does not support "AUTO_INCREMENT".