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Sherlock last won the day on September 11 2024

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678 Excellent


About Sherlock

  • Birthday 02/25/1970

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. Sherlock

    How to sign .msix packages

    OK, so good news: I finally got it. Thanks to "msix hero" an OS tool specifically made for everything msix. https://github.com/marcinotorowski/MSIX-Hero. It just signed my little test project right away. Now I can go on working. Thanks everyone for your contributions and support.
  2. Sherlock

    MCP Server in Delphi

    That site has been up for a week. You can work fast with Delphi, but you can't work magic.
  3. Sherlock

    Question about TPasswordEditButton inside TEdit field

    How does this construct work on Windows? As expected?
  4. Sherlock

    How to sign .msix packages

    Oh, that sounds great. For a test run, I downloaded the installer and am quite overwhelmed by the further needs (service user, SSL-certificate, Server) to run the "server". For a small test if my msix could be signed by this, it seems quite the overkill. 😞
  5. Sherlock

    How to sign .msix packages

    I have, and that uses an older version of signtool: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\signtool.exe" sign /v /a /fd SHA256 C:\Win\SignTest\Win64\Release\SignTest\bin\SignTest.msix The following certificate was selected: Issued to: My Company Issued by: Certum Extended Validation Code Signing 2021 CA Expires: Sat Jan 08 12:11:18 2028 SHA1 hash: E7C16794EA23F573DE3EA32B5B564717CE84CC75 Done Adding Additional Store SignTool Error: An unexpected internal error has occurred. Error information: "Error: SignerSign() failed." (-2147024885/0x8007000b) File version is 10.0.19041.685. I'm using 10.0.26100.0 which at least gives a slightly better error message.
  6. Sherlock

    How to sign .msix packages

    I actually don't want to upload to the store. I need this to be able to create a Kiosk application for Windows 10/11. At least that is how I understand what I have found on the net so far. msix is not a must, but recommended. Also signed msix is not a must, but from a customers POV nice to have. Thanks @Patrick PREMARTIN for the /tr hint. I just shortened the command for ease of use. I really hope once the easy signature works, adding the time server will not be an issue.
  7. Sherlock

    Suggestions for new vendor of a delphi app?

    Well, I might be way out on a limb here, but how your product was developed is of no concern to your potential customers. So just look how others have started their software business. Here is a reddit thread(?) on that subject.
  8. Sherlock

    How to sign .msix packages

    So, I've been kept from doing things by this little, trivial problem. I've been trying to sign an msix package for days now, and am getting nowhere. I can sign Win32 and Win64 executables just fine, Delphi will create unsigned msix packages just as good. But I just can't for the life of me sign an msix. I always get the same error message, it does not matter, if this package contains my application or just a simple dummy, or if it is win32 or win64: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.26100.0\x64\signtool.exe" sign /v /a /fd SHA256 C:\Win\SignTest\Win64\Release\SignTest\bin\SignTest.msix The following certificate was selected: Issued to: My Company Issued by: Certum Extended Validation Code Signing 2021 CA Expires: Sat Jan 08 12:11:18 2028 SHA1 hash: E7C16794EA23F573DE3EA32B5B564717CE84CC75 Done Adding Additional Store SignTool Error: This file format cannot be signed because it is not recognized. SignTool Error: An error occurred while attempting to sign: C:\Win\SignTest\Win64\Release\SignTest\bin\SignTest.msix Number of files successfully Signed: 0 Number of warnings: 0 Number of errors: 1 I even built the msix externally with the makeappx tool from the SDK, that works just fine (as it should, Delphi uses it as well), but in the end...same error as above as soon as I want to sign the package. The AppManifest.xml is in good shape, syntactically and content-wise. The only assets are two png Icons that can be read just fine. The executable itself can be signed with no trouble at all. What am I missing?
  9. Sherlock

    Delphi 12.3 is available

    There are always remote connection possibilities as a compromise. I firmly believe an unfixed product can cost more than a trip for two guys, that know their stuff, to find out what the hell is going on.
  10. Sherlock

    VSCode for a Delphi IDE

    Not much since 2022. Sadly I just now got interested in the subject. So I'm putting my hopes on @Mark NZs efforts.
  11. In all my years I saw this happen countless times and never had a name for it. Thank you.
  12. Thanks for the quick glance at the subject. I feel it to be important to know which AIs you have tried out though. Especially for the more specific tasks like bug hunting or performance tweaks. A comparison would have been cool, for any of those tasks which AIs shine and which don't.
  13. Sherlock

    pasfmt out now!

    What does opinionated mean in this context?
  14. Sherlock

    Codeformatter from Commandline

    The GExperts formatter or the built-in one? For the latter see here: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Formatter.EXE,_the_Command_Line_Formatter For the former, it should be as easy as calling GExpertsFormatter.exe <YOURFILE_HERE>
  15. Yeah, I feel the question has been answered. Everybody should now move on...nothing to see here.