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Found 4 results

  1. In an older post I showed how to patch a virtual/non virtual, public/private method. A recently came across an Vcl bug that requires patching a non-virtual constructor. Does anyone know how to do that?
  2. We're styling the uses section the following way: uses Windows , SysUtils , Classes , Graphics , Forms ; break after uses break after each unit (but before the comma) only indent the lines not starting with a comma ("Windows" in this example) break before the semi-colon I created a patch and added it to the corresponding ticket: https://sourceforge.net/p/gexperts/feature-requests/154/ It adds two new options to the formatter (line-break page): 'After "uses"' and 'Before the comma'. The latter as a sub-option for 'Between every unit in "uses"' (like 'Except single lines'). 'After "uses"' just adds a break after "uses", to start the "uses"-block. "Before the comma" adds the line feed before the comma in the uses section instead of after it. I also removed the fixme regarding NoIndentUsesComma and FeedEachUnit as it (currently) does exactly what I intended when I submitted the NoIndentUsesComma-patch some time ago. I would like to see this patch merged or at least have some comments if there is something wrong/not as intended.
  3. TheDelphiCoder

    Feature Request #93

    Hi @dummzeuch, in case you missed it, I submitted a patch file for FR #93 on the SF repository. Best regards, Thomas
  4. Hi there, are you able to work with yor projects on Patch 3 on mobile (Android, iOS) ? I've tried a while, but then moved back to Patch 2, which works more or less on Android with API-level 29. That was my main goal why I ported my apps to Patch 3. What are your experiences with that patch on different platforms ?