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[SOLVED] Delphi 12, FireDac, SQLite : capability not supported

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Hi there,


I've an app which runs fine on Delphi 11, using crypted (aes-256) SQLite db, throught FireDac.


This code no longer runs under Delphi 12.


An error is fired from FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.pas, procedure TSQLiteDatabase.Key(const AKey: String);, line 2119 : if Assigned(Lib.Fsqlite3_key) then begin...


It seems that Lib.Fsqlite3_key is not assigned.


Any idea will be very appreciated...

Edited by weabow

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That same DocWiki page stated "The default linkage mode is static with SQLite version 3.31.1 with FDE."  so I would assume it would be backwards compatible.

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It may depend on the uses list and its order. The different Stat units register different default values:

  TSQLiteLib.GLibClasses[slDefault] := TSQLiteLibFDEStat;
  TSQLiteLib.GLibClasses[slFDEStatic] := TSQLiteLibFDEStat;

  TSQLiteLib.GLibClasses[slDefault] := TSQLiteLibSEEStat;
  TSQLiteLib.GLibClasses[slSEEStatic] := TSQLiteLibSEEStat;

  TSQLiteLib.GLibClasses[slDefault] := TSQLiteLibStat;
  TSQLiteLib.GLibClasses[slStatic] := TSQLiteLibStat;

Manually adding FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.FDEStat to the uses may solve the problem. I'd rather set the mode to an explicit value instead relying on a volatile default.

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Thanks for your replies.

I've read the FireDAC SQLite Version Update  and I understand I have to use option 3 : Continue using SQLite 3.31.1 or previous versions with FireDAC encryption (FDE).


But I didn't see anywhere how to do that (sorry, it's not my best expertise).


What's the code I need to put and where ?

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I've put on app boot a on the main form :




with the property :

EngineLinkage -> sIFDEStatic


Maybee an idea do do that from code ?

Edited by weabow
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May be a stupid question; but I am correct with the option 'EngineLinkage -> sIFDEStatic' I don't need any external DLL? ( Now I deploy sqlite3.dll to all my clients ). Or is this other behaviour...

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I think it depends on the OS target.

On Windows, I do not add any file

On Android, I add lib-native-activity.so

On MacOs I add libcdsqlite.dylib and libcrypto.dylib

On IOS I add ... nothing

On Linux I add ... nothing


But I'm not sure all these libraries concern SQLite


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5 minutes ago, weabow said:

I think it depends on the OS target.

On Windows, I do not add any file

On Android, I add lib-native-activity.so

On MacOs I add libcdsqlite.dylib and libcrypto.dylib

On IOS I add ... nothing

On Linux I add ... nothing


But I'm not sure all these libraries concern SQLite


Great! I work only on the Windows platform. One DLL less 😉  So the Embarcadero guys did a translation found on the SQLITE.ORG source code to Delphi-Pascal? 

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On 11/13/2023 at 10:46 AM, emileverh said:

So the Embarcadero guys did a translation found on the SQLITE.ORG source code to Delphi-Pascal? 

They just use OBJ just like with Zip and RegExp

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On 11/13/2023 at 7:45 AM, weabow said:



I've put on app boot a on the main form :




with the property :

EngineLinkage -> sIFDEStatic


Maybee an idea do do that from code ?

You saved my day.

kind regards


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If someone want this in code, not in UI Designer:

I just created an object "FDPhysSQLiteDriverLink " at initialization and set the property. Works for me.



  FDPhysSQLiteDriverLink : TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink;

  FDPhysSQLiteDriverLink := TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink.Create(nil);
  FDPhysSQLiteDriverLink.EngineLinkage  := slFDEStatic; // compatibility Delphi >=12


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No way for me to have the


 with those uses... Can't find library

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@weabow TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink is in FireDAC.Phys.SQLite.pas

But if you copy-paste from here it won't work because after last "k" character there are some non-visible chars: EF BB BF EF BB BF                                                                            


Edited by Cristian Peța

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Posted (edited)

i add unit FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.FDEStat and now work :classic_cheerleader:

Edited by kabiri

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On 11/13/2023 at 1:46 AM, emileverh said:

Great! I work only on the Windows platform. One DLL less 😉  So the Embarcadero guys did a translation found on the SQLITE.ORG source code to Delphi-Pascal? 

where i have to add this file for android: "On Android, I add lib-native-activity.so" and where is located this file?

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1 hour ago, Beto'o said:

where i have to add this file for android: "On Android, I add lib-native-activity.so" and where is located this file?

You should not have to add that file yourself, as it is added automatically by the IDE. Here's the Deployment Manager for a typical Android project:


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18 hours ago, Dave Nottage said:

You should not have to add that file yourself, as it is added automatically by the IDE. Here's the Deployment Manager for a typical Android project:


I get an error message and I found the reason I had these two libraries added:FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.Stat, FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteDef and it should only be: FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteDef 


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