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Incus J

Extending string - How to call the default record helper?

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I’m creating a record helper for string.

It seemed like a good idea at first, until I realised string already has a helper, and I can’t inherit from it (?)


So I think I need to duplicate those existing default string helper functions in my new string helper, and call into the original.  Something like this :

function TStringHelper.ToInteger: integer;
  result := System.SysUtils.TStringHelper.ToInteger(Self);

[dccosx64 Error] My.Str.Helper.pas(36): E2018 Record, object or class type required

Don’t laugh, am I anywhere close…?

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23 minutes ago, Incus J said:

am I anywhere close…?

Nope. This is an endeavour that is doomed to fail. You'd have to duplicate the implementation of the standard helper if you wanted to have access to its functionality as well as that in your own helper.


It's been this way since helpers were added, and I have given up hoping that the issue will be addressed.

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That's unfortunate, I did like the concept of helpers.  Really I just wanted to add a couple of extras, to make my coding a little less verbose with fewer brackets e.g.

mystring := mystring.Trim.Capitalise;


mystring := TMyStringUtils.Capitalise(Trim(mystring));


...the flow and readability of the first version has some appeal.  I find it easier and quicker to parse.  I think adding the ability to inherit from an existing helper would make helpers more practical.  Better would be types supporting multiple helpers simultaneously.  Hey, I can dream 🙂


Thank you for the heads up!

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Several years ago, I suggested adding the ability to call global functions and procedures as if they were class members of their first const parameter. For example, the standard function Trim could be used like this:

Result := '  ABCD  '.Trim;  // equals to Result := Trim('  ABCD  ');

Unfortunately, they came up with the concept of non-extensible helpers.

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22 minutes ago, Incus J said:

I think adding the ability to inherit from an existing helper would make helpers more practical.

We all think that ......


C# extension methods allow types to be extended from multiple classes ..... 

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6 hours ago, Incus J said:

Don’t laugh, am I anywhere close…?

I reluctant to add this, but asking for a laugh then here you go:

  StringEx = type string;

  TMyStringHelper = record helper for StringEx
    function ToInteger: Integer;
{ TMyStringHelper }
function TMyStringHelper.ToInteger: Integer;
  Result := StrToIntDef(Self,0);

//use it like this
  D: Integer;
D:= StringEx(st).ToInteger;

Ugly but does work.

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14 hours ago, Incus J said:

It seemed like a good idea at first, until I realised string already has a helper, and I can’t inherit from it (?)

Which is funny, given that the syntax for helpers actually supports inheritance, but Delphi allows it only in class helpers, not in type/record helpers.  FreePascal proves inheritance can work in all three kinds of helpers (just not in Delphi mode, for compatibility reasons).

Edited by Remy Lebeau
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Inheritance would not be the ideal solution. That would make it impossible for two distinct libraries to extend the same type. 


I don't understand what is hard about having multiple helpers active and searching through them, most recently declared first. 

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Fun fact: some years ago someone (not me, not Andreas) achieved being able to inherit record helpers by simply patching one flag in the compiler. 😉

I am just saying this to emphasize that its not some technical limitation but simply the compiler does not allow it when it sees "record helper" but does when its "class helper" as otherwise its the same code.

Edited by Stefan Glienke
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Would be great to support at least kindof casting to the desired helper,

that would solve some cases where several competing helpers were all around.


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Casting to a helper should never be supported. That's just ugly. May as well call a function and be done with it. You lose all the benefit of type extension if you have to cast. 

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I agree on the ugliness, but what if type extension is too hard to get ...

What else is on the roadmap ?

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On 10/9/2020 at 3:03 PM, Stefan Glienke said:

Fun fact: some years ago someone (not me, not Andreas) achieved being able to inherit record helpers by simply patching one flag in the compiler. 😉

I am just saying this to emphasize that its not some technical limitation but simply the compiler does not allow it when it sees "record helper" but does when its "class helper" as otherwise its the same code.

Could you share said compiler flag? I'd appreciate it a lot, inheriting record helpers would prettify my code enormeously.

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