Der schöne Günther 334 Posted May 14, 2021 Consider the following scenario: A full-screen Win32 application (Delphi, mostly) which must run 24 / 7. The computers are located inside a factory. They generally have internet access, but might have pesky company firewalls. Since the computers need to run 24/7, they never get Windows updates. We still have to support the earliest versions of Windows 7, for a few years to come Requirement: When the user actively requests it, gather some data, zip it, and "send it to our technical support department" This is what I call "phone home": I want the running application to send data (a single ZIP file) to our companies support department. There are a few thousand installations worldwide. They are not authenticated against anything, they're running local Windows accounts. So far, this has been done by using Delphi's Indy library to send an email to an old Exchange server of ours, by SMTP. I had taken the email approach because it will end up directly in the inbox of our support department. The downside of this method is that More and more companies are blocking outgoing SMTP traffic. They probably suspect spam. Some security solutions will even fake our servers reply and indicate success although the email never got sent. Our company wants to shut down our old in-house email server I am now looking for an alternative approach. Here is what I can think of: (1) Set up an FTP server, upload files there Advantages: The FTP server is under our control and will be running as long as we want to Our application can properly report upload progress Disadvantages: No experience with how likely this will be blocked by company firewalls Our service department will still have to be notified that something arrived at all. Either by email, or other means. (2) Post stuff to our SharePoint / Microsoft Teams Advantages: Posting text messages from the "outside world" (meaning: no authentication) to a channel in the support team works like a charm Disadvantages: When Microsoft breaks this API, it won't be working anymore I have found absolutely no way of uploading files to our SharePoint server anonymously. APIs like "Microsoft Graph" seem to be centered around authenticated ActiveDirectory/Azure users, and do not allow public access (3) Setup an own web server and POST data to this Advantages: It can probably be automated so that after successfully POSTing a file, an email or some other kind of notification gets sent to our department Disadvantages: No developer in our company knows anything about how to properly do web stuff (PHP?). (4) Setup a new, simple email server and continue as always Advantages: Existing software will continue to work Disadvantages: Lots of companies will block outgoing SMTP traffic and it just won't work (5) Drop "phone home" entirely Query the operator to download the ZIP file to a USB drive, go elsewhere, and send it to us Advantages: None Disadvantages: Too much hassle so many operators simply won't bother In order to access the USB port, operator will have to unlock and open an electrical cabinet which is, in some countries, limited to special personnel. What are your thoughts? Did I miss an obvious option? Thanks for taking the time to read. Share this post Link to post
Vandrovnik 217 Posted May 14, 2021 I vote for 3) - I am using this approach too. 1 Share this post Link to post
sakura 45 Posted May 14, 2021 Number 3, and creating a simple HTTP web server is no magic work. You may do that with Apache/PHP, IIS/ASP.NET, or even Delphi and internet network protocols. For each way, there are simple solutions. 3 Share this post Link to post
Rollo62 563 Posted May 14, 2021 1 hour ago, Vandrovnik said: I vote for 3) - I am using this approach too. 45 minutes ago, sakura said: Number 3, and creating a simple HTTP web server is no magic work. You may do that with Apache/PHP, IIS/ASP.NET, or even Delphi and internet network protocols. For each way, there are simple solutions. Me too And even a simple, virtual website provider with PHP will do, at very affordable cost. Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 621 Posted May 14, 2021 Agree HTTP POST is the safest upload method, but I'd make sure the client can have a proxy server specified for cases where default internet access is blocked. And maybe offer your clients that proxy server as being easier to monitor than the factory floor systems. Angus 1 Share this post Link to post
Fr0sT.Brutal 901 Posted May 14, 2021 HTTP(S) POST is the best when firewalls/proxies come to the scene. FTP is nightmare for gateways. Making upload server for this primitive task is easy, I even believe only NGinx will be enough without any coding (not sure though). Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted May 14, 2021 #3. You might also want to look into WebDav. That way you simply can copy the file without any additional code (what you have to maintain) on the webserver. Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted May 14, 2021 Utilizing HTTP Post is the best out there, because: 1) HTTP is faster than FTP and SMTP, like a lot faster. 2) HTTP/HTTPS is the most firewall friendly, one outgoing port and you are good to go. Here i want to recommend to use your built own server, there is many approaches to achieve that and here few points 1) Use your stand alone server to receive these POST requests, or/and make sure you are using TLS secure connection, and here you can stick to the HTTPS with POST or use you are free to internally use your own TCP protocol, if we can call uploading a file (sending data in one way) a protocol. 2) Use Indy or ICS, RTC or what you see fit, it really doesn't matter. 3) I am/was using RTC for many years now to upload many sorts of files, most frequent files were EurekaLog reports, have a look here at that demo for uploading file 4) RTC simplify multithreading beyond imagining, also it give you the ability to build any server as stand alone EXE, Windows Service or ISAPI for IIS. 5) Once you had your HTTP(s) server receiving the files then if needed go ahead and send them using SMTP, which i do for EL reports after parsing so i have nice emails with many details in the mail body and nice detailed subject, of course along the attached report. 6) In few cases with few of my clients, they wanted to received the reports on their server (and their emails) which wasn't IIS, so i wrote php script to forward the reports to their emails, the script is 30 lines including brackets lines!, google PHPMailer or any other mailing method for php along how to receive a file with php, it will make you smile. 7) HTTP (preferably HTTPS) is OK with CloudFlare like services, so no effect in switching to such extra layer of protection in the future. A little off topic: I use hMailServer for many years and it is just more than great, portable folder, fast and secure, can't be more breath of fresh air to use and configure, i witnessed a server with weak account (email) password been hacked and being used to send spam, hMailServer managed to send 48-60 million spam email per day while the back log was 220 million before i been called to stop it and figure what it was, someone created account for testing with one char password and forgot to delete the account ! Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted May 14, 2021 Off: leaving my like because of hMailServer 🙂 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted May 14, 2021 I made a mistake with the lesson/demo for RTC, the one i want to point is in the Examples folders with the library called ClientUpload and it is short and can't be wrong implemented implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.btnConnectClick(Sender: TObject); begin with RtcHttpClient1 do begin if not isConnected then begin ServerAddr:=eServerAddr.Text; ServerPort:=eServerPort.Text; Connect; end else Disconnect; end; end; procedure TForm1.RtcHttpClient1Connect(Sender: TRtcConnection); begin btnConnect.Caption:='Disconnect'; end; procedure TForm1.RtcHttpClient1Disconnect(Sender: TRtcConnection); begin btnConnect.Caption:='Connect'; btnPutFile.Caption:='Upload'; end; procedure TForm1.btnPutFileClick(Sender: TObject); begin btnPutFile.Caption:='Clicked ...'; with RtcDataRequest1 do begin // File Name on Server (need to URL_encode all Query parameters) Request.Query['file'] := URL_Encode(Utf8Encode(eRequestFileName.Text)); // Local File Name Request.Info.asText['file'] := eLocalFileName.Text; Post; end; end; procedure TForm1.RtcDataRequest1BeginRequest(Sender: TRtcConnection); begin btnPutFile.Caption:='Sending ...'; with TRtcDataClient(Sender) do begin Request.Method:='PUT'; Request.FileName:='/UPLOAD'; Request.Host:=ServerAddr; Request.ContentLength:=File_Size(Request.Info.asText['file']); WriteHeader; end; end; procedure TForm1.btnOpenClick(Sender: TObject); begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin eLocalFileName.Text:=OpenDialog1.FileName; eRequestFileName.Text:=ExtractFileName(eLocalFileName.Text); end; end; procedure TForm1.RtcDataRequest1DataOut(Sender: TRtcConnection); begin with Sender as TRtcDataClient do begin pInfo.Caption:='Sending: '+ IntToStr(Request.ContentOut)+'/'+ IntToStr(Request.ContentLength)+' ['+ IntToStr(round(Request.ContentOut/Request.ContentLength*100))+'%]'; end; end; procedure TForm1.RtcDataRequest1DataSent(Sender: TRtcConnection); var bSize:int64; begin with TRtcDataClient(Sender) do begin if Request.ContentLength>Request.ContentOut then begin bSize:=Request.ContentLength-Request.ContentOut; if bSize>64000 then bSize:=64000; Write(Read_File(Request.Info.asText['file'], Request.ContentOut, bSize)); end; end; end; procedure TForm1.RtcDataRequest1DataReceived(Sender: TRtcConnection); begin with TRtcDataClient(Sender) do begin { We do not expect a long response, so we can wait for the response to be Done before reading it. } if Response.Done then begin { We can use "Read" here to get the complete content sent from the Server if we expect the Server to send a short content. If the Server is expected to send a long response, you should use Read before Response.Done and write the read content to a file as it arrives to avoid flooding your memory. } btnPutFile.Caption:='Done, Status = '+ IntToStr(Response.StatusCode)+' '+Response.StatusText; end; end; end; end. Share this post Link to post
Der schöne Günther 334 Posted May 14, 2021 Thank you all very much for the replies so far 👍 I hope I can convince the management to host a native server here inside the company and make it accessible with a constantly open port. Just like the Exchange server they want to shut down. With a server in house, we could have full control about what is going on and could basically run any application there. I didn't really think about that. I had my mind on that external server that hosts our web page. I think it can only do PHP. Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted May 14, 2021 11 minutes ago, Der schöne Günther said: With a server in house, we could have full control about what is going on and could basically run any application there. I didn't really think about that. I had my mind on that external server that hosts our web page. I think it can only do PHP. Many of my clients were incapable of hosting their inhouse servers, and many were afraid of dedicated hosting servers, but after trying the hosted dedicated ones they liked them very much, in case you you want amuse the idea then i would recommend an OVH server or its little sisters Anyone will do !, and trust me even the smallest one will manage all of your emails and uploading and downloading files, unless you need hardcore data traffic and process then stick to OVH monsters. Share this post Link to post