A.M. Hoornweg 147 Posted May 20, 2022 Hello all, does anyone know a nice algorithm that will connect the points in a polygon in a rounded fashion? Its intended use is a contour map. The polygon must go through all vertices but I'd like to avoid sharp corners for a more natural look; it's OK if the lines between the vertices are slightly curved. The few solutions I found on the internet tend to bend without touching the vertices. Share this post Link to post
ULIK 16 Posted May 20, 2022 Have you already tried it with a combination of splines? They would touch the vertices. Share this post Link to post
Sherlock 670 Posted May 20, 2022 From the Bézier curve you'll eventually have to move on to (Bézier) splines to get from a polygon to a bezigon. And not sure about VCL, but FMX has some Bézier procedures. Edith says: Naturally VCL has it, because MS has it: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.PolyBezier Share this post Link to post
vfbb 285 Posted May 20, 2022 If you don't mind third-party solutions, Skia has an effect that applies rounded edges automatically and works for Console, Vcl and FMX: https://github.com/skia4delphi/skia4delphi/blob/eed4afbf8a34137a9bfa308bcb5ef87cee84abcb/Samples/Demo/FMX/Source/Sample.Form.PathsAndEffects.pas#L193 Result: 1 Share this post Link to post
A.M. Hoornweg 147 Posted May 20, 2022 (edited) It's not trivial at all. I've downloaded a random contour map from the internet and attach it here. This is a map of a terrain, consisting of polygons that describe points of equal altitude above sea level. So there's a polygon describing an altitude of 350 metres, another one that corresponds to 360 metres, another one for 370 metres etcetera. The problem: The polygons may never intersect (any point of the topography has only one altitude). If an automated routine is to be used to create smooth connections between points of a polygon, it is necessary to avoid "wild deflections" that would make these lines cross adjacent polygons. A human being would have no problem drawing such connections by hand, intuitively. But an algorithm ? Edited May 20, 2022 by A.M. Hoornweg Share this post Link to post
A.M. Hoornweg 147 Posted May 20, 2022 3 minutes ago, vfbb said: If you don't mind third-party solutions, Skia has an effect that applies rounded edges automatically and works for Console, Vcl and FMX: https://github.com/skia4delphi/skia4delphi/blob/eed4afbf8a34137a9bfa308bcb5ef87cee84abcb/Samples/Demo/FMX/Source/Sample.Form.PathsAndEffects.pas#L193 Result: Such rounded edges "miss" the points of the polygon, they deviate before hitting the point. Share this post Link to post
Sherlock 670 Posted May 20, 2022 Ok, so the points need to be hit, but the lines in between may be rounded. That might not be covered by splines to well. 😞 Well strike that, of course the Points will be hit. It is "just" a matter of choosing the controlpoints well to get a decent shape. But therein lies the rub I guess. Share this post Link to post
vfbb 285 Posted May 20, 2022 2 hours ago, A.M. Hoornweg said: Such rounded edges "miss" the points of the polygon, they deviate before hitting the point. Here's an example: uses Skia; function MakeCubicSplineInterpolation(const APoints: TArray<TPointF>): ISkPath; var LPathBuilder: ISkPathBuilder; LSegments: Integer; I: Integer; mx: Single; my: Single; LScratches: array of record a, b, c, r, p: TPointF; end; begin LPathBuilder := TSkPathBuilder.Create; if Length(APoints) < 2 then Exit(LPathBuilder.Detach); if Length(APoints) = 2 then begin LPathBuilder.MoveTo(APoints[0]); LPathBuilder.LineTo(APoints[1]); Exit(LPathBuilder.Detach); end; LSegments := Length(APoints) - 1; SetLength(LScratches, LSegments); LScratches[0].a := PointF(0, 0); LScratches[0].b := PointF(2, 2); LScratches[0].c := PointF(1, 1); LScratches[0].r := PointF(APoints[0].X + 2 * APoints[1].X, APoints[0].Y + 2 * APoints[1].Y); for I := 1 to LSegments - 2 do begin LScratches[I].a := PointF(1, 1); LScratches[I].b := PointF(4, 4); LScratches[I].c := PointF(1, 1); LScratches[I].r := PointF(4 * APoints[i].X + 2 * APoints[I + 1].X, 4 * APoints[I].Y + 2 * APoints[I + 1].Y); end; LScratches[LSegments - 1].a := PointF(2, 2); LScratches[LSegments - 1].b := PointF(7, 7); LScratches[LSegments - 1].c := PointF(0, 0); LScratches[LSegments - 1].r := PointF(8 * APoints[LSegments - 1].X + APoints[LSegments].X, 8 * APoints[LSegments - 1].Y + APoints[LSegments].Y); for I := 1 to LSegments - 1 do begin mx := LScratches[I].a.X / LScratches[I - 1].b.X; my := LScratches[I].a.Y / LScratches[I - 1].b.Y; LScratches[I].b := LScratches[I].b - PointF(mx * LScratches[I - 1].c.X, my * LScratches[I - 1].c.Y); LScratches[I].r := LScratches[I].r - PointF(mx * LScratches[I - 1].r.X, my * LScratches[I - 1].r.Y); end; LScratches[LSegments - 1].p := PointF(LScratches[LSegments - 1].r.X / LScratches[LSegments - 1].b.X, LScratches[LSegments - 1].r.Y / LScratches[LSegments - 1].b.Y); for I := Length(APoints) - 3 downto 0 do begin LScratches[I].p := PointF((LScratches[I].r.X - LScratches[I].c.X * LScratches[I + 1].p.X) / LScratches[I].b.X, (LScratches[I].r.Y - LScratches[I].c.Y * LScratches[I + 1].p.Y) / LScratches[I].b.Y); end; LPathBuilder.MoveTo(APoints[0]); for I := 0 to LSegments - 2 do begin LPathBuilder.CubicTo(LScratches[I].p, PointF(2 * APoints[I + 1].X - LScratches[I + 1].p.X, 2 * APoints[I + 1].Y - LScratches[I + 1].p.Y), APoints[I + 1]); end; LPathBuilder.CubicTo(LScratches[LSegments - 1].p, PointF(0.5 * (APoints[LSegments].X + LScratches[LSegments - 1].p.X), 0.5 * (APoints[LSegments].Y + LScratches[LSegments - 1].p.Y)), APoints[LSegments]); Result := LPathBuilder.Detach; end; procedure TForm1.SkPaintBox1Draw(ASender: TObject; const ACanvas: ISkCanvas; const ADest: TRectF; const AOpacity: Single); var LPaint: ISkPaint; LMyPoints: TArray<TPointF>; begin LMyPoints := [PointF(62, 511), PointF(162, 605), PointF(262, 610), PointF(362, 402), PointF(462, 959), PointF(562, 58), PointF(662, 272), PointF(762, 99), PointF(862, 759), PointF(962, 945)]; LPaint := TSkPaint.Create(TSkPaintStyle.Stroke); LPaint.Color := TAlphaColors.Red; LPaint.AntiAlias := True; LPaint.StrokeWidth := 3; LPaint.StrokeCap := TSkStrokeCap.Round; ACanvas.DrawPath(MakeCubicSplineInterpolation(LMyPoints), LPaint); LPaint.StrokeWidth := 10; LPaint.Color := TAlphaColors.Black; ACanvas.DrawPoints(TSkDrawPointsMode.Points, LMyPoints, LPaint); end; Result: Note: You don't need to use Skia, it was just a facilitator for the example. 10 Share this post Link to post
A.M. Hoornweg 147 Posted May 21, 2022 @vfbb: thanks for the example, I'll look into it! Share this post Link to post
Rollo62 547 Posted May 22, 2022 So you need to fit all datapoints, but want to avoid large overshootings, then this paper is maybe also interesting for you. https://towardsdatascience.com/numerical-interpolation-natural-cubic-spline-52c1157b98ac Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1876 Posted May 22, 2022 11 hours ago, Rollo62 said: So you need to fit all datapoints, but want to avoid large overshootings, then this paper is maybe also interesting for you. https://towardsdatascience.com/numerical-interpolation-natural-cubic-spline-52c1157b98ac Quote We will use the top-down approach and make sure you visualize while you’re reading to understand it better. I counted one photo of a Chinese paper lamp, two irrelevant meme pics, two general conceptual illustrations and 10 pages of math with no illustrations 😕 Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1876 Posted May 22, 2022 I just remembered that Graphics32 has two examples which demonstrates interpolation: https://github.com/graphics32/graphics32/tree/master/Examples/Drawing/CubicSpline https://github.com/graphics32/graphics32/tree/master/Examples/Drawing/Curves Both of these just uses Graphics32 for output. The curve generation is independent. Built into Graphics32 there's also the TCanvas32.CurveTo method which does cubic Bézier interpolation (4 control points) and the TCanvas32.ConicTo method which does quadratic Bézier interpolation (3 control points). 2 Share this post Link to post
Rollo62 547 Posted May 23, 2022 Ok, here is something to play around with natural spline interpolation vs. other kinds. https://tools.timodenk.com/cubic-spline-interpolation Maybe that has enough gamification factor to fulfil the high expectations here. Share this post Link to post
angusj 126 Posted May 23, 2022 (edited) Here's my GetSmoothPath() routine. It requires no specific graphics library to use, just a few extra functions (also included below). This function generates an array of control points that's very easily converted into a flattened cubic bezier path using just about any 2D graphics library. (nb: The code below has been written with simplicity as the focus rather than performance.) uses SysUtils, Math; type TPointD = record X, Y: double; end; TPathD = array of TPointD; TArrayOfDouble = array of double; function DistanceSqrd(const pt1, pt2: TPointD): double; begin result := Sqr(pt1.X - pt2.X) + Sqr(pt1.Y - pt2.Y); end; function Distance(const pt1, pt2: TPointD): double; begin Result := Sqrt(DistanceSqrd(pt1, pt2)); end; function OffsetPoint(const pt: TPointD; dx, dy: double): TPointD; begin result.x := pt.x + dx; result.y := pt.y + dy; end; function GetAvgUnitVector(const vec1, vec2: TPointD): TPointD; var inverseHypot: Double; begin Result.X := (vec1.X + vec2.X) * 0.5; Result.y := (vec1.Y + vec2.Y) * 0.5; inverseHypot := 1 / Hypot(Result.X, Result.Y); Result.X := Result.X * inverseHypot; Result.Y := Result.Y * inverseHypot; end; procedure MakeSymmetric(var val1, val2: double); begin val1 := (val1 + val2) * 0.5; val2 := val1; end; function GetUnitVector(const pt1, pt2: TPointD): TPointD; var dx, dy, inverseHypot: Double; begin if (pt1.x = pt2.x) and (pt1.y = pt2.y) then begin Result.X := 0; Result.Y := 0; Exit; end; dx := (pt2.X - pt1.X); dy := (pt2.Y - pt1.Y); inverseHypot := 1 / Hypot(dx, dy); dx := dx * inverseHypot; dy := dy * inverseHypot; Result.X := dx; Result.Y := dy; end; // GetSmoothPath - returns cubic bezier control points // parameters: 1. path for smoothing // 2. whether or not the smoothed path will closed // 3. percent smoothness (0..100) // 4. maximum dist control pts from path pts (0 = no limit) // 5. symmetric vs asymmmetric control pts function GetSmoothPath(const path: TPathD; pathIsClosed: Boolean; percentOffset, maxCtrlOffset: double; symmetric: Boolean): TPathD; var i, len, prev: integer; vec: TPointD; pl: TArrayOfDouble; unitVecs: TPathD; d, d1,d2: double; begin Result := nil; len := Length(path); if len < 3 then Exit; d := Max(0, Min(100, percentOffset))/200; if maxCtrlOffset <= 0 then maxCtrlOffset := MaxDouble; SetLength(Result, len *3 +1); prev := len-1; SetLength(pl, len); SetLength(unitVecs, len); for i := 0 to len -1 do begin pl[i] := Distance(path[prev], path[i]); unitVecs[i] := GetUnitVector(path[prev], path[i]); prev := i; end; Result[len*3] := path[0]; for i := 0 to len -1 do begin if i = len -1 then begin vec := GetAvgUnitVector(unitVecs[i], unitVecs[0]); d2 := pl[0]*d; end else begin vec := GetAvgUnitVector(unitVecs[i], unitVecs[i+1]); d2 := pl[i+1]*d; end; d1 := pl[i]*d; if symmetric then MakeSymmetric(d1, d2); if i = 0 then Result[len*3-1] := OffsetPoint(path[i], -vec.X * Min(maxCtrlOffset, d1), -vec.Y * Min(maxCtrlOffset, d1)) else Result[i*3-1] := OffsetPoint(path[i], -vec.X * Min(maxCtrlOffset, d1), -vec.Y * Min(maxCtrlOffset, d1)); Result[i*3] := path[i]; Result[i*3+1] := OffsetPoint(path[i], vec.X * Min(maxCtrlOffset, d2), vec.Y * Min(maxCtrlOffset, d2)); end; if not pathIsClosed then begin Result[1] := Result[0]; dec(len); Result[len*3-1] := Result[len*3]; SetLength(Result, Len*3 +1); end; end; And here's what it produces ... the path to smooth (black), the cubic bezier control path produced by GetSmoothPath() (blue) and the flattened cubic bezier path (2D graphics library of you choice required) (red). var TPathD path; begin path := MakePath([190,120, 260,270, 560,120, 190,490]); path := GetSmoothPath(path, true, 20, 0, false); path := ThirdParty2DGraphicsLibrary.FlattenCBezier(path); end; var TPathD path; begin path := MakePath([190,120, 260,270, 560,120, 190,490]); path := GetSmoothPath(path, true, 80, 0, false); path := ThirdParty2DGraphicsLibrary.FlattenCBezier(path); end; On 5/20/2022 at 8:45 PM, A.M. Hoornweg said: The problem: The polygons may never intersect ( Edit: The best way to avoid intersections is to make sure you have enough data points before generating your curves. Edited May 24, 2022 by angusj Note to explain the code focuses on simplicity not performance 4 Share this post Link to post
A.M. Hoornweg 147 Posted May 23, 2022 10 hours ago, Anders Melander said: I just remembered that Graphics32 has two examples which demonstrates interpolation: https://github.com/graphics32/graphics32/tree/master/Examples/Drawing/Curves Built into Graphics32 there's also the TCanvas32.CurveTo method which does cubic Bézier interpolation (4 control points) and the TCanvas32.ConicTo method which does quadratic Bézier interpolation (3 control points). Very interesting, thanks for the link! 1 Share this post Link to post
angusj 126 Posted July 17, 2022 (edited) On 5/23/2022 at 5:18 PM, angusj said: Here's my GetSmoothPath() routine. I've simplified this and uploaded it here: https://github.com/AngusJohnson/Image32/blob/0bb2e258f66c37f9eb263909480c473abf654f74/source/Img32.Extra.pas#L2044 Edited July 18, 2022 by angusj Edit: updated link 1 Share this post Link to post
xstrider 1 Posted August 15, 2022 Hi Angus, I just discovered your GetSmoothPath() routine. I'm very interested to use it - but I can't make it work. Contrary to what you write the source for the function MakePath is not included. From what I see on the Image32 pages (http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/Units/Img32.Vector/Routines/MakePath.htm), this again calls MakePathI and CSpline which I can't find anywhere. I also wonder why do you convert an array of Doubles to an array of integers and then assign the result again to an array of doubles? How should I use the the tGPGraphicsPath.Flatten of GDI+? It doesn't accept a tPathD as an argument. Could you please elaborate? Share this post Link to post
angusj 126 Posted August 16, 2022 (edited) 12 hours ago, xstrider said: Hi Angus, I just discovered your GetSmoothPath() routine. I'm very interested to use it - but I can't make it work. Hi xstrider. I've actually modified this function again since posting the link above, but I didn't want to abuse this thread since it's not specifically about my routine. Anyhow, here's the link to the up to date documentation on this function that's been renamed SmoothToCubicBezier (which I think better describes what the function does). This can be found in the Img32.Extra unit that part of my Image32 Library on GitHub. Both MakePath and FlattenCBezier are found in Img32.Vector. 12 hours ago, xstrider said: I also wonder why do you convert an array of Doubles to an array of integers and then assign the result again to an array of doubles? I'm not sure what you're referring to here. The MakePath function parameter is array of double, and the entire Image32 library uses double coordinate values. 12 hours ago, xstrider said: How should I use the the tGPGraphicsPath.Flatten of GDI+? It doesn't accept a tPathD as an argument. It appears you're using GDIPlus and I'm not familiar with it. However, while GraphicsPath does accept cubic bezier input (and will flatten these), these beziers appear to be cubic bezier splines, which are very different to cubic bezier arrays. Nevertheless you could copy FlattenCBezier from my library and simply add the flattened path using GraphicsPath's AddPolygon method. I hope that helps. ps: Here's a link to a short video that demonstrates this smoothing (together with vectorizing monochrome raster images, and path simplification). Edited August 16, 2022 by angusj 1 Share this post Link to post
xstrider 1 Posted August 16, 2022 8 hours ago, angusj said: Hi xstrider. I've actually modified this function again since posting the link above, but I didn't want to abuse this thread since it's not specifically about my routine. Anyhow, here's the link to the up to date documentation on this function that's been renamed SmoothToCubicBezier (which I think better describes what the function does). This can be found in the Img32.Extra unit that part of my Image32 Library on GitHub. Both MakePath and FlattenCBezier are found in Img32.Vector. I'm not sure what you're referring to here. The MakePath function parameter is array of double, and the entire Image32 library uses double coordinate values. It appears you're using GDIPlus and I'm not familiar with it. However, while GraphicsPath does accept cubic bezier input (and will flatten these), these beziers appear to be cubic bezier splines, which are very different to cubic bezier arrays. Nevertheless you could copy FlattenCBezier from my library and simply add the flattened path using GraphicsPath's AddPolygon method. I hope that helps. ps: Here's a link to a short video that demonstrates this smoothing (together with vectorizing monochrome raster images, and path simplification). Hi Angus, thanks for your time and I have great respect for expertise which is way above my head. But your earlier post promised a stand alone solution ("It requires no specific graphics library to use, just a few extra functions (also included below)") but this doesn't seem to be true. Well, it was worth a try. Share this post Link to post
angusj 126 Posted August 16, 2022 6 minutes ago, xstrider said: But your earlier post promised a stand alone solution ("It requires no specific graphics library to use, just a few extra functions (also included below)") but this doesn't seem to be true. I wasn't suggesting that you download Image32, just a couple of extra functions. And MakePath was only a shortcut to demonstrate path construction, which of course you'd generate in your own way. And even with FlattenCBezier, I was (I think quite reasonably) expecting that your graphics library could handle this since cubic bezier paths are a very common graphics data structure. Anyhow, I'm sorry I dissapointed you. Share this post Link to post
xstrider 1 Posted August 24, 2022 Hi Angus, based on your advice and of course on your excellent library I'm now able to easily create interestig shapes (see example) for use in my artwork . If you want to see what I do: https://www.embarcadero.com/case-study/artgen-case-study?aldSet=en-GB https://www.embarcadero.com/case-study/artgen-case-study/image-gallery?aldSet=en-GB Thanks a lot and keep up the good work! 1 Share this post Link to post
angusj 126 Posted August 24, 2022 (edited) I particularly like your Iucundae_21_B. Wonderful colours. Edited August 24, 2022 by angusj Share this post Link to post
xstrider 1 Posted August 24, 2022 I also made some pictures using your 'text along Bezier'. Share this post Link to post