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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/18 in Posts

  1. mikerabat

    mrMath matrix library

    Hey guys! I wanted to share my matrix library with you basically it contains tons of function for matrix manipulation (add, sub, mult, inverse) and higher order functions (SVD, CCA, PLS and tons more) The library is highly optimized (handoptimized assembler, AVX, SSE, FMA support) and can be multithreaded. Check out the repository on https://github.com/mikerabat/mrmath and check some tiny examples on: http://www.mrsoft.org/home/downloads.html hope you have fun with that ;) kind regards Mike
  2. or even try procedure DeleteLastChar(var aText: string; aLastChar: char); inline; var len: {$ifdef FPC}PSizeInt{$else}PInteger{$endif}; begin len := pointer(aText); if len <> nil then begin dec(len); if PChar(pointer(aText))[len^ - 1] = aLastChar then begin PChar(pointer(aText))[len^ - 1] := #0; dec(len^); end; end; end; which has also the advantage of working with both Delphi and FPC. But all these sounds a bit like premature optimization to me... 😞
  3. pcplayer99

    How To HTTP POST in Delphi?

    if it is a WebService, maybe you no need to know how http works. You can just use Delphi's WebService framework, import the server side WebService functions (in Delphi it is based on IInterface),and just call its WebService's functions by using THTTPRIO.
  4. New book next year that could be interesting. http://interpreter.analogmachine.org/
  5. dummzeuch

    How to check if parent menu item has "checked" child item?

    Looks good. I wouldn't mix result with exit(..), but that's probably a matter of taste.
  6. Hey, good idea: https://github.com/DelphiPraxis/The-Drag-and-Drop-Component-Suite-for-Delphi