A word of warning to those (I'm counting 50 since yesterday) that downloaded this version: If your resources contains bitmaps that were created by older versions of Delphi (or rather applications built with older versions of Delphi) then the resource editor might corrupt them on save.
It appears that a bug was introduced in TBitmap between Delphi 2009 and 10.2. Here's the short version:
The format of a windows bitmap is basically 1) Header, 2) Color table, 3) Pixel data. For bitmaps with PixelFormat>pf8bit the color table is optional.
The Header specifies the number of colors in the color table (the TBitmapInfoHeader.biClrUsed field).
Older versions of Delphi sometimes saved bitmaps in pf24bit/pf32bit format with a color table and the corresponding value in the biClrUsed field. This was unnecessary but harmless and perfectly legal according to the bitmap specs.
Here's an example of what such a bitmap might look like:
[File header]
[Bitmap header, biClrUsed=16, biBitCount=32]
[Pixel data]
These bitmaps can be read by newer versions of Delphi, but when the bitmaps are written again they become corrupt. Delphi keeps the value in the biClrUsed field but fails to write the corresponding color table. The result is that the pixel data ends up at the wrong file offset. Here's an example of a corrupt bitmap:
[File header]
[Bitmap header, biClrUsed=16, biBitCount=32]
[Pixel data]
The reason why this is a problem for the resource editor is that it is built with Delphi 10.2. I have a fix for the problem but I'm not ready to release a new version with the fix.
Here's the fix btw:
// Fix for bug in TBitmap.
// Saving bitmap with PixelFormat>pf8bit with biClrUsed>0 fails to save the color table
// leading to a corrupt bitmap.
TBitmapColorTableBugFixer = class helper for TBitmap
TBitmapImageCracker = class(TBitmapImage);
function FixColorTable: boolean;
function TBitmapColorTableBugFixer.FixColorTable: boolean;
if (TBitmapImageCracker(FImage).FDIB.dsBmih.biBitCount > 8) and (TBitmapImageCracker(FImage).FDIB.dsBmih.biClrUsed <> 0) then
TBitmapImageCracker(FImage).FDIB.dsBmih.biClrUsed := 0;
Result := True;
end else
Result := False;
The problem appears to be the same one reported here: Setting TBitmap.PixelFormat can lead to later image corruption or EReadError