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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/19 in Posts

  1. PeterPanettone

    Bug in Delphi CODE INSIGHT?

    I also always try to avoid Πρόωρη εκσπερμάτωση.
  2. Markus Kinzler

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    I guess so:
  3. Alexander Elagin

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    I felt the same when AnyDAC, now FireDAC, was sold to EMB (or whatever was its name back then) when I just paid its renewal for another year. Needless to say I never got my money back nor got access to FireDAC which I avoid since then because of such attitude. Luckily, DevArt (UniDAC) offered a great alternative. I just hope that FmxLinux and CrossVCL will remain property of KSDev.
  4. HolgerX

    UDP multicast issues

    Hmm.. I am not using ICS, but I have a small testtool for MultiCast made with INDY 10. It's done with D6, but you could use it for a local test... (Indy 10 is only in the search path, not added to the zip.. 😉 ) Test_INDY_Multicast.zip
  5. Stefan Glienke

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    It still baffles me that DXScene or VGScene were usable given the years it took FMX to properly work.
  6. Stefan Glienke

    Bug in Delphi CODE INSIGHT?

    Known issue: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-20760 Maybe with the reworked tooling based on LSP in 10.4 it will work.
  7. Arnaud Bouchez

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    I don't see this announcement as a good sign. From the management/project point of view, they bought a license from the FMX initial developper, who left EMB last year (IIRC) to re-create his own company https://www.fmxlinux.com - EMB dev team was not able to do it on their own anymore. Sad. I worry about Delphi future if they need to rely on external coders for new targets or features. From the technical point of view, Linux was supported - with FPC as compiler - 10 years ago http://web.archive.org/web/20091213100642/http://www.ksdev.com/dxscene/index.html when FMX was called DXScene. So is it a real progress to be able to have back a feature I got 10 years ago, when I bought my lifetime licence to DXScene? BTW the "LifeTime" of my DXScene license did last 1 year only, since it stopped when EMB bought DXScene - I really felt it was some kind of theft at that time. Now their "LifeTime" license is $349 - I really wonder if it is worth it...
  8. John Kouraklis

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    Nice although not my target platform (yet)! But I'd rather see CodeInsightPlus integrated
  9. Alexander Elagin

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    I'd prefer CrossVCL, but anyway this is a good step.