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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/19 in Posts

  1. Rollo62

    Best delphi so far?

    My favorite is always current version + 1 since Embt was getting so eager in evolving new features and fixing bugs. There were other days were this was not always the case.
  2. Dalija Prasnikar

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    There are several things to consider here kitchen sink design... while it may look like working in proof of concept scenarios, it is hard to extend its functionality without breaking something originally it was meant to be fast vector based UI framework, and then it got a whole load of styling and pixel perfect baggage - combine that with 1. result is bugs and slow performance proof of concept library with limited set of widgets is easier to put together, to cover all that is needed to make usable cross-platform apps, FMX had to be extended with many additional widgets, behaviors, functionality - combine that to 1 and 2 - again bugs... different memory models on Windows and mobile platforms made it harder to debug various issues and aspects - more bugs FMX significantly improved over the years, but its original kitchen sink design is still holding it back. FMX on Linux is good (great) move considering the developer's needs. I just wonder how many kitchen sinks Embarcadero bought this time around.
  3. Dalija Prasnikar

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    How to rework FMX? Burn it down and start fresh, with people who know how to properly structure GUI framework, would be the only proper choice. Not the viable one though.
  4. Remy Lebeau

    Best delphi so far?

    Yes, sadly. In my experience, XE2 is quite stable. Although I do have newer versions installed in VMs, I never really used any of them. I never upgraded my projects beyond XE2.
  5. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Best delphi so far?

    I'll say Delphi 2007. I'm using XE 10.3.1 and it is slow as a pig. Not to mention that *insights stuffs never ever fully worked...
  6. Fritzew

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    The funny thing is, there was a OpenGl Layer for Windows working really well at this time. (I'm also a lifetime customer, my "lifetime" was 4 or 5 month.....). After the purchase the OpenGl part was dropped, not longer usable, and older Delphi not more supported. It was one of the worth purchase i have ever done.
  7. Stefan Glienke

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    It still baffles me that DXScene or VGScene were usable given the years it took FMX to properly work.
  8. Alexander Elagin

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    I felt the same when AnyDAC, now FireDAC, was sold to EMB (or whatever was its name back then) when I just paid its renewal for another year. Needless to say I never got my money back nor got access to FireDAC which I avoid since then because of such attitude. Luckily, DevArt (UniDAC) offered a great alternative. I just hope that FmxLinux and CrossVCL will remain property of KSDev.
  9. Arnaud Bouchez

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    I don't see this announcement as a good sign. From the management/project point of view, they bought a license from the FMX initial developper, who left EMB last year (IIRC) to re-create his own company https://www.fmxlinux.com - EMB dev team was not able to do it on their own anymore. Sad. I worry about Delphi future if they need to rely on external coders for new targets or features. From the technical point of view, Linux was supported - with FPC as compiler - 10 years ago http://web.archive.org/web/20091213100642/http://www.ksdev.com/dxscene/index.html when FMX was called DXScene. So is it a real progress to be able to have back a feature I got 10 years ago, when I bought my lifetime licence to DXScene? BTW the "LifeTime" of my DXScene license did last 1 year only, since it stopped when EMB bought DXScene - I really felt it was some kind of theft at that time. Now their "LifeTime" license is $349 - I really wonder if it is worth it...