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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/19 in Posts

  1. I've heard if you have a libunity.so in your APK or your project name is unity (so it generates libunity.so) then Google accepts it as a 32bit Unity app. YMMV.
  2. I mentioned that I am working on the Delphi Tools Manager in my post about GExperts supporting import and export for the Tools menu. Today I finished the first version of this tool. It supports all Delphi versions from 5 to 10.3 (it is written in Delphi 10.2). So, what does it do: It shows a list of all entries in the Delphi IDE’s tool menu in a similar manner as the Tools Options dialog. It allows the same actions as that dialog: Add/Delete/Edit an entry and change the order of the entries. It shows the details of each entry when it is selected. It allows exporting and importing entries, using the same DTME file format as GExperts Dragging one or more DTME files on the form will add them to the list Read on in the blog post at https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2019/06/16/delphi-tools-manager-1-0-0-released/
  3. stijnsanders

    Funny Code in System.Types

    Guys, are all of you missing this? Due to the Pascal calling convention, the first (plain!) argument of a function maps into the same register(s), so in fact this is valid and correct code. Though strictly I agree it looks weird and like as if in 'normal' cases the Value members aren't assigned to Result members. Bit in fact, they're already there! So what is actually needed is a 'type size limiting' cast, which is exactly what Result.x:=SmallInt(Result.x); is.
  4. Rafael Mattos


    After a while ... Thanks for the reply @Andrea Magni. I think I'll follow your guidelines.
  5. Микола Петрівський

    LiveBinding at runtime

    You will need to manually call TBindings.Notify because your controls are not observable: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Tutorial:_Creating_LiveBindings-Enabled_Components As to why even manual call does not work, it is hard to tell without compilable demo.
  6. Has anyone heard any more about this yet? The dreaded 1st August deadline is 3 weeks away after which we won't be able to give our Android users app updates should we need to. If things are running according to the last roadmap at EMB, then they're behind and haven't even released 10.3.2 yet let alone the sorely needed 10.4 which is supposed to contain the Android 64 bit work. I'm getting very worried that we might not be able to support our Android users for 3 months while they get a 10.4 beta out. We have 220,000 of them and the thought of not being able to get even an emergency bug fix to them should we need to terrifies me! Surely EMB must be taking this deadline seriously?
  7. 1. I already have this in my design plans but it seems i can not host a database on the Github so currently i'll have to use my personal hosting. 2. Thanks! I'll contact him after Benchmark/Validation apps are made.