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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/20 in Posts

  1. Hello, this is the notice that DEC (Delphi Encryption Compendium) has a new home. The GitHub repository has been transferred to me by the previous maintainer as he no longer found the time to work on it and I was the main developer since a few years already anyway. The new URL is: https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium This transfer also makes it a bit more likely that the V6.0 which is still in the works will be released in the near future. Best regards TurboMagic
  2. Gary Mugford

    Migration from BDE paradox to TFDtable or other options

    I am still using Paradox and Delphi 7 and up until just before the pandemic hit, Win10 was making me think of retirement. I WAS slowly, GLACIALLY REALLY, transitioning from D7/BDE to XE7/NexusDB, but The Boss kept asking for new features seemingly whenever he detected I was getting close to having time to devote to the updating. And Win10 was making our 50 user operation over three buildings unhappy, crashing about three times a day. THEN, my hardware guy finally gave in and gave my data it's own server. And overnight, the crashes went away. I've had exactly three instances of needing ReBuilder in the last nine months. With that hanging over my head, I've given into The Boss' featuritis itch and been doing THAT work instead of the changeover to NexusDB. I WILL say, however that NexusDB is the best solution for switching from BDE if you are a table object user. At least in my opinion. I've been using Paradox since version 1.11i for DOS, with it's Pair of Ducks icon, and it's hard to give up a product that has been so very, very stable (until Win10) over the years. But we don't live in the 20th century any more. As much as I would like to get to my retirement without actually doing the full switchover, the fact is that NexusDB is simply a better product. I have a working example of our main app that uses 268 table objects against 119 Paradox databases/NexusDB duplicates. And the Nexus side simply whiz's past the Paradox side of the app. The Aussies know their business. I hope you have success in your endeavour, GM
  3. While the library's concept is very interesting and worth investigating it, however, I found it incompatible with the Delphi language(at least in its current specs). In other word : what applies to c++ does not necessary apply to Delphi (the reverse holds as well). For example, the library has a sealed architecture ! Being based on records, it means that you can't roll easily your own collection based on the existing one (at least in the way we know all) just because the current status of the language does not permit record inheritance. In the other hand, RTL/Spring4D are more flexible in this area. Another thing, a quick look at the Heap manager, it appears that its based on the ordinal memory manager, in other word: a memory manager on the top of another memory manager. This technically may cause all sort of memory troubles.
  4. François, I was very glad to see you. I want to say a big thank you for your ICS components. In my server, I used them.
  5. Anders Melander

    DEC (Delphi Encryption Compendium) has a new home

    The first point of entry is the readme. If the readme doesn't convince a potential user then I'm pretty sure they won't bother with the source. We're all busy. Why should you care? Because more users means more people that are likely to contribute.
  6. Why did you decide that the type of something is limited? You want to use a record, an object or a string ... This is not quite true, managed types are supported. First, when type assignment occurs, all counters for managed types will be updated (Delphi string, interfaces, etc.). Second, when deleting data, the cleanup method is passed, which will be used when deleting. If it is a record with managed types, it can be a procedure inside which the Default (TMyRecord) operator contains.
  7. Yes, it's possible, but it needs to be done properly, for which I don't want to spend the time. In particular because I myself don't use the theming. If anybody else wants to put in the effort, I'll be accepting patches. By "properly" I mean that not only the standard controls must support theming - which kind of works, even though it's a bit clunky -, but also the owner drawn controls must match it. And of course that must be done without breaking compatibility with older versions of Delphi.
  8. For the same reason that an updated IDEFixPack hasn't been released for 10.4.x yet - because Andreas doesn't have an active paid license for the IDE anymore, and Embarcadero hasn't released a 10.4.x Community Edition yet. See this topic:
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_semantics#:~:text=In computer science%2C having value,implies immutability of the object.
  10. ConstantGardener

    Migration from BDE paradox to TFDtable or other options

    ...have a Look at NexusDb