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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/20 in Posts

  1. Anders Melander

    Updated Community Edition

    What's your source for this? If that is the case then I'm disappointed by their lack of understanding of the ecosystem they're a part of and their own position within it. These days, from my POW, given the entry level price of Delphi, the best they can hope for with a free version is to keep Delphi alive by seeding knowledge of it, and what it can do, into the younger generations. Nothing is lost by giving it away for free to those that can't afford it anyway. I think the $5000 limit on the CE edition is a reasonable rule but thinking that it will cause much conversion is IMO naive.
  2. Hello, here's a small Christmas present for you: There is a new release 6.0 of DEC - Delphi Encryption Compendium available, or put otherwise: DEC is back on track! 😉 The release can be found here: https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncry...eases/tag/V6.0 What is DEC? DEC is the Delphi Encryption Compendium open source library, a library containing cryptographic algorithms of the following categories: hash algorithms encryption algorithms key deviation functions CRC cryptographic pseudo random number generator format conversion classes What's new in V6.0 compared with the 5 year old V5.2 release? A complete list can be found in the last chapter of the included documentation. Supports D2009 - 10.4.1 Sydney Cross platform compatible if you turn off use of ASM in DECOptions.inc the hard to understand test program got reworked into unit tests test coverage got increased some bugfixes, like fixing the XTEA encryption algorithm or the included KDF2 turned out to be KDF1 instead implementation of the newest Whirlpool hash algorithm version implementation of KDF1, KDF2 and KDF3 key deviation algorithms changed unit structure to be more modular and better maintainable added some demo applications. The two FMX based ones are even available from Google Play (stemming from an earlier commit) added a 40+ A4 sized pages documentation most methods contain XMLDOC comments now So is it all over now, or are there plans for the future? Of course I know that this release didn't bring much new algorithms. But as far as my time allowes development shall continue (further project members are welcome!) I do have some plans for V6.1: Add the SHA224 hash, this is still missing Add SHA3 Add GCM block chaining mode for ciphers Add a first pasword hash algorithm, most likely bcrypt So much for today 😉 Cheers TurboMagic
  3. Edwin Yip

    Updated Community Edition

    I think you are right. I've seen more new open source projects appear on github since the first CE edition. The CE edition should be aiming at keeping Delphi alive and payback in the future, not to generate short-term revenue.
  4. Darian Miller

    Updated Community Edition

    This was from the Q&A on the 10.4 Release Webinar back on May 27, 2020:
  5. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi XE Zebra scanner

    My perspective is from the VCL app where any number of frames and forms can have focus. Having to deal with the wedged in virtual keyboard that produces input that is not intended for a checkbox or a button is a PITA, hence the COM port. We accept the scan over the COM port in a background thread and decode the GS1 128 AIs to build a content description, queue it, and post a message to the main window which then propagates the info to the focused form/frame. The frame can then check the queued AIs by identity to see it there is content relevant to it. This also allows us to capture the scans faster than we process them, so that the user doesn't have to wait.
  6. Using Logitech Gaming LED SDK, you'll be able to make illuminations on your Logitech hardware supporting that feature. For example, you may assign colors to keys on the keyboard, make it flash or pulse. Download full source code from GitHub. Example of console mode program making the keyboard pulse during 5 seconds: uses System.SysUtils, LogitechLedLib in 'LogitechLedLib.pas'; begin WriteLn('Your keyboard is pulsing for 5 seconds...'); LogiLed.LoadLedEngine(); LogiLed.InitWithName('Logitech LED Delphi Console Demo'); LogiLed.SetTargetDevice(LOGI_DEVICETYPE_ALL); LogiLed.PulseLighting(100, 90, 60, 5000, 200); WriteLn('Hit RETURN'); ReadLn; LogiLed.Shutdown(); end. Of course you are not limited to a console mode program. You can make VCL or FMX as well, either 32 or 64 bits. There is a VCL application in the repository showing some of the features. To deploy your application, you need a Logitech hardware (Almost all with lightning: keyboard, mouse, headset,...). And you need the Logitech SDK DLL to be deployed which is easily done by installing "Logitech G HUB" application that is used to configure Logitech hardware.
  7. It could be due to the version of the NDK. Try changing: 'libgnustl_static.a' to 'libc++abi.a'
  8. Yes - are you perhaps using an older version of the Grijjy Error Reporting code? The error in question was happening before they updated this unit: https://github.com/grijjy/JustAddCode/blob/master/ErrorReporting/Grijjy.ErrorReporting.pas Otherwise, you'd need to detail exactly what you're compiling and perhaps include a reproducible example.
  9. Clément

    Updated Community Edition

    One can only hope Emb will keep the CE project alive! Some friends and ex-coworkers had to move to VS over the past few years are using CE to built secondary projects, mostly indoors, so no real revenue comes from it. The unexpected factor came from VS programmers that liked working with Delphi, and actually enjoyed programming. Last I heard from them, they were considering buying licenses for a second mainstream project. 4% annual increase is nothing compared to what we are going through here ( Brazil ). The exchange rate went from 4.3 to almost 6 in the past 10 months... Almost 40% increase, given that our salaries are frozen, and most companies are revising they contract fees downwards, it's already a problem. If you consider that Emb also increases the license value, it's not crazy to expect over 60% increase in an year. This makes even the professional SKU too expensive for ISV and small companies to afford. Several companies, either I worked for, or friends I worked with, won't move passed XE because Delphi ecosystem is too expensive. The value of the upgrade (XE to 10.x) + 3rd party components( XE to 10.x) + retesting (Changes since XE) is more expensive than the project budget itself, and I'm talking about almost an year project timeframe. Those moved for good to MS which offers more products for the same value ( not only language, but access to all Microsoft product line and support). There's still a lot of bureaucratic work to package good cost/benefit SKU. Delphi is still using the same SKU model for decades. Someone have to tell them the market had changed since then. Students and teachers must rediscover delphi. Managers must be confident the investment/product quality in Delphi will meet or exceed expectations. Not easy at all.
  10. FPiette

    Year Countsdown

    @emailx45Using mod defeat all the purpose. Assuming now is sunday 08:07 and future is tuesday 09:20 there are 49 hours (Minutes truncated). Your formula will give 1 hour. Same for all your calculations.