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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/21 in Posts

  1. Hello, I was trying to use `Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := False` in a FMX application, but it doesn't exits there. So after looking for answers, I found this one: uses ... FMX.Platform.Win, Winapi.Windows,... begin Application.Initialize; ShowWindow(ApplicationHWND, SW_HIDE); ... This kind of works, but it is not as "silent"ish as the VCL counterpart, because it still shows a blank button being added to the taskbar then disappears before completely showing its icon. This is more noticeable when FMX application it not pinned. It shows it in small amount of time, before hiding it but is noticeable. Is there any way to completely hide it on launch? I'm writing a tool to center the taskbar's icons, and also another one to pin icons and launch from its position (pinned .lnk with different arguments are allowed more than once) like mac's stacks but with fancy FMX effects and animations, but launching them (being it a FMX application and as stated before it has that taskbar issue) is noticeable since my other tool rearranges its position and it looks weird, but normal VCL application doesn't do that. I also tried mixing VCL with FMX as MonkeyMixer method suggests, with main application VCL which is hidden and launches the FMX form, yet it still has the same issue, it shows an incomplete icon in the taskbar to fastly disappear, and since my other tool center icons, it is expected that it rearranges taskbar's icons giving an effect like shaking, which is very annoying. In this gif animation I show what I mean. The FMX version is the last icon, when it is launched the taskbar's icons restart due to that mentioned issue (might fix in the centering application, but without injecting code is hard, though is planned for distant future, I don't want to deal with explorer.exe unexpected crashes yet), while the other launches from pinned icons is a VCL application, and as you can see it doesn't try to create a taskbar button, just remains hidden from the beginning. Notice that I don't want those applications to be visible because (otherwise) taskbar's thumbnail will interfere in "usability", and that is not wanted. However, I might fix the centering application with delaying and etc ways, but the original question is regarding to hide it completely from taskbar on launch, and to keep it running in background is an option, but I still want it to solve that issue as is (required).
  2. I had a probleme with my cable, i switched to WIFI and there i have no more checksum error in WIFI the cycle time is 15 ms, i try again on Monday at the office with direct connection. netstat -e -> Errors = 0 Thank you for your help Alain
  3. Just realized that the compiler error counts were always offset by 1, so where is that extra one? Are the EMBRAS... guys able to count their fingers? if not, I can teach them.
  4. @emailx45 what are you talking about? Do you have to flood every thread with some irrelevant google translated sh*t?
  5. No. It's not counting lines. It's counting warnings. The compiler emits two distinct warnings. For whatever reason they are identical. There's doubtless some internal quirk that explains it.
  6. They are counting correctly. When it says 2 errors, there are 2 errors. When it says 3 warnings, there are 3 warnings. What you have noted is that there are sometimes duplicate warnings. But they are counted correctly. Tell me this, how does a duplicate warning have any discernible impact to any user? Why would it be a useful way to spend development resource on such trivialities?
  7. Is attention to details useful? Yes. But also context matters. How useful is rearranging the chairs on Titanic?
  8. The fact that you regard this topic as important. That you feel it's important to count errors beyond one. The fact that sometimes delphi emits two warnings for the same issue. None of these things matter.
  9. I'm gonna do these tests and tell what's going on
  10. Actually there are two errors: undeclared identifier cannot compile unit Seems to be pretty correct in my view.
  11. Dalija Prasnikar

    Cross-platform messaging system

    Gain with any messaging system is decoupling, so it makes sense to use it even if you make synchronous calls. But in multithreading scenarios, you need full fledged thread safe system capable of posting messages to a queue. In other words, asynchronous messaging. Anything else is just a crutch that can be used only in most simple scenarios.
  12. Gabriel_Cogima

    XCode 12 compile error

    Hi Guys ! So now i can build with Xcode 12 and for IOS 14 ! So the solution for me is : In project --> options --> version information --> CFBundleName, put : $(ModuleName) Now i can build my project for the AppStore (Thanks weabow !!!!!) Gabriel
  13. Nasreddine

    Delphi iOS Metal Api Comparison (Video)

    Cool, I really like the animations, what game engin are you using for the characters?