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  1. Anders Melander

    32bit bitmap

    To use alpha transparency you need to set Transparent=False. Here's what it looks like (Delphi 10.3):
  2. Anders Melander

    Hashing Street Addresses ?

    I solve most of my problems in the shower. Eureka!
  3. HxD is a Freeware hex, disk and memory editor, that is fast and can handle files of arbitrary size (up to 8 EiB). Some of the feature highlights are: Disk editor (automatically unmounts drives as necessary when saving changes) Memory editor (full support for 64 and 32-bit) Data folding, for easier overview and hiding inaccessible regions Data inspector Converts current data into many types, for editing and viewing Open source plugin-framework to extend with new, custom type converters Search and replace with support for various data types Importing and exporting of Intel Hex, Motorola S-Records Exporting to Pascal, C, Java, C#, VB.NET, PureBasic, but also HTML, RTF, and TeX Checksum and hash generation and validation File compare Tools to split, join and shredder files Currently, available in version 2.4 and 17 languages: HxD download. P.S.: If you like it, please star the code on GitHub or give it a (good 😉) rating on download sites.
  4. balabuev

    Issue about calling Canvas.Polygon

    SaveDC/RestoreDC in such cases are usually used to restore original clipping region, since you change it in the code.
  5. balabuev

    Issue about calling Canvas.Polygon

    The issue happens due to the fact that you use two not fully compatible ways to deal with the device context (DC): 1) Delphi TCanvas wrapper, which have a lot of lazy initializing stuff. For example, when you change the color of the Brush, the brush object is marked as invalid internally, and its handle will be recreated later - only when needed. 2) WinAPI directly, like SaveDC/RestoreDC, which skips mentioned Delphi internal invalidation. TCanvas.Refresh method is specifically exist to resort cases like this. Try to call it just before ACanvas.Polygon. I can even describe, why red color is a kind of special color, which do not work (as opposed to any other color, like black). And I agree - ColorToRGB is not needed here.
  6. David Schwartz

    Delphi and the new Apple M1 CPU

    TMS WebCore has electron wrappers that work with their web components. I don't really like FMX, and prefer Raize / Konopka components for routine VCL work. But WebCore has their own plus you can use the TMS FNC components as well. They both have lots of properties added to support the unique needs of running inside a browser DOM, including support for CSS.
  7. Darian Miller

    Hashing Street Addresses ?

    Rubber Duck Debugging: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging
  8. enesgeven

    Delphi iOS Metal Api Comparison (Video)

    Thank you, we used Blender for render sprite animations and some character animations from mixamo