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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/21 in Posts

  1. There is a page in the Delphi wiki on creating packages. https://delphi.fandom.com/wiki/Creating_Packages Edit: I had totally forgotten that I wrote that page myself (many years ago). After reading through it, I must say I still like it. There isn't much I'd change today.
  2. Diego Muñoz

    Mapping or Cartography, that's the question

    IMHO, call it cartography. I think that is better for SEO (search engine optimization, you know, google positioning technics). Mapping gives results related to things like ORM mapping, use of google maps in your app, etc.
  3. We have open sourced our Deployment Manager to simplify deployment of a large number of files or folders to iOS or Android. https://blog.grijjy.com/2021/02/07/deployman/
  4. Found the problem. I should not force the IPV6 address. By commenting it, the code binds to IPV6 address only and one can test it with http://[your IPV6 address]:8181 Code that works example: procedure TFormMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var Binding: TIdSocketHandle; begin Binding := IdHTTPServer1.Bindings.Add; Binding.IPVersion := Id_IPv6; //Binding.IP := 'fe80::b493:ca5a:af2a:a036'; Binding.Port := 8181; IdHTTPServer1.Active := True; end;
  5. Pat Foley

    Mapping or Cartography, that's the question

    Track editor yielded music "track" first Trail Editor found following // did not try since not secure. Trail Tech's Ride Leader GPX Editing Software In the western mountains trails are called either, one track ~ one person wide or two track ~ wagon wide. Often web pages have embedded additional terms for the search engine to find. Meaning use your terms for product naming and add terms so others can find your site.
  6. David Heffernan

    Mapping or Cartography, that's the question

    As an English speaker and an orienteer (course d'orientation en Français) I am clear that cartography is the act of surveying and creating a map. I don't think you want to use that word for your software as you have described it here.
  7. Yes, there is, but Delphi Praxis allows much broader questions than Stack Overflow. So, while debugging questions here and there require same amount of information, algorithms generally don't fall into same category. I don't think that asking for some pointers and ideas is somehow not welcome here. How does it relate with Delphi... well, obviously implementation would be in Delphi.
  8. Vandrovnik

    How to fix "Warning'

    There are also directives for these warnings: {$WARN UNIT_PLATFORM OFF} {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF}
  9. Thanks for your concern, but if questions here on Delphi-Praxis are only allowed if they include at least one StringList and a DBGrid, I'd rather hear that from a moderator.
  10. Question as asked like here would not pass on Stack Overflow.
  11. I had created the report in Quality Central already ( RSP-32335 ). I also attached your Project1.dpr with the report.
  12. kuzduk


    Multilanguage site it good idea but i have no time to do it. So as a the simplest solution is google translate: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http://kuzduk.h1n.ru/_kulibrary.html - Putin approves!
  13. Dalija Prasnikar

    Cross-platform messaging system

    Gain with any messaging system is decoupling, so it makes sense to use it even if you make synchronous calls. But in multithreading scenarios, you need full fledged thread safe system capable of posting messages to a queue. In other words, asynchronous messaging. Anything else is just a crutch that can be used only in most simple scenarios.
  14. I disagree - this is exactly the mindset that we got trained all these years because we did not know any better - the world moved on - heck there are people working on programming tools based on ML so it can suggest refactorings based on refactorings you have done in the past! And yet here we are mostly doing yolo driven development - "if it aint break it might be ok" (ok, I am exaggerating here). If the tooling can point out possible optimizations because they understand what you are doing that can just be good regardless of how much of a measurable improvement that will make. And if its just for some junior coders at Embarcadero slapping together some ... ahem ... non ideal code that never gets properly reviewed because lack of time. It took them years and an actual change of the FreeAndNil function to find bugs in their code that static code analysis could have found ages ago.