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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/21 in all areas

  1. Dalija Prasnikar

    thread-safe ways to call REST APIs in parallel

    None of those components are not thread-safe. They can be used in background threads, but each thread needs to have their own instances. Yes, you need separate client objects for each thread, too. If the StringList is not shared and you generating unique file name is coordinated between threads, so there cannot be any overlap, then it is safe to save inside thread.
  2. Uwe Raabe

    thread-safe ways to call REST APIs in parallel

    You have to create an isolated set of all components for each thread.
  3. Joseph MItzen

    What it's like to be a Delphi Developer

    "and RAD Studio is the only tool I have found that actually makes the overall development experience extremely pleasurable. It has everything you need... well thought out, and highly customizable." I'd hate to see what he's comparing it to. Last weekend I was using a JetBrains IDE on Linux. I started creating a constant to hold a Linux path; it was really long, the file system is case-sensitive and I was trying to recall the path from memory. Somehow the Jetbrains IDE recognized that the string I was typing was a directory path and its code completion suddenly switched to offering suggestions to complete the file path. Now instead of almost certainly screwing up the path I was able to get the whole thing entered with just a few keystrokes. My jaw dropped open for a few seconds after the IDE pulled this trick on me. This came on top of discovering when I wanted to suppress a compiler warning that you can turn off warnings on a line-by-line basis for certain warnings or all of them. And this is done by specially-crafted comments so you don't even have to access a menu or use a special key combination to do it. I find it hard to imagine that RAD Studio, which still doesn't have code completion and compiler warnings sorted out after several years, and doesn't even allow key binding customization, is the only IDE that would be bearable to Joe Hecht.
  4. At least his profile shows 10.2 - but nevertheless, it doesn't work always in 10.4.2 either (as many LSP backed features don't). So the QP entry should rather be a bug report than a feature request.
  5. Geoffrey Smith

    Delphi integration with Quickbooks using REST

    I have created a demo project that you could look at here https://github.com/geoffsmith82/DelphiIntuitAccess
  6. Carlo Barazzetta

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    Good news about 2.4.0 version of SVGIconImageList: - Added new engine: Image32 library (ver.3.0) by Angus Johnson (VCL+FMX) - Image32 is now the default native Delphi engine, because has more SVG functionalities like blur, gradient, merge, drop-shadow, markers, simbol, pattern, subpixel. - Added support for Android and iOS platforms (by Image32 engine) - Added support for backward Delphi versions (from XE3) - Added demo to compare the four engines (SVGViewer)