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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/21 in Posts

  1. Alexander Sviridenkov

    HTML Office Library: Font Browser Demo

    New compiled demo showing font management capabilities of HTML Office Library. it can: Open TTF or WOFF font. Extract embedded fonts of any type from PDF file. Save extracted font as TTF or WOFF. Show font glyphs. Show glyph control points. Copy glyph as SVG. 100 lines of Delphi code. Everything is cross platform (Win, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android) https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/FontBrowser.zip
  2. darnocian

    Console Manager for the Delphi IDE

    I was not sure if the docking thing would be a hard or not, but decided to give it a shot... and result! Thanks for the feedback.
  3. Marco showed a preview of some of what's new in Delphi 11 yesterday - you can read his blog with screenshots, or watch the video replay, here. I'm also giving a talk today on Usability and Design, in general but also referring to the IDE and some decisions we made there. If you've ever wanted to see an internal mockup of things we did not do, this is the one to watch -- but also, I hope the talk in general will be helpful for anyone who wants to have good design in their app. Join this or the other (really good!) talks today and tomorrow here!
  4. vfbb


    Website: github.com/viniciusfbb/skia4delphi Skia4Delphi is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for Delphi based on Google's Skia Graphics Library (skia.org). Google's Skia Graphics Library serves as the graphics engine for Google Chrome and Chrome OS, Android, Flutter, Xamarin, Mozilla Firefox and Firefox OS, and many other products. Skia provides a more robust Canvas, being very fast and very stable, with hundreds of features for drawing 2D graphics, in addition to a text shaping engine designed to render texts in the most diverse languages with right-to-left support (such as the Persian language), full support for loading SVG files, support for creating PDF files, support for rendering Lottie files (verotized animations created in Adobe After Effects), integration with the GPU, among countless other cool features. Skia's idea is similar to Firemonkey's, the same codebase used in an OS will work the same on other platforms. It is also possible to design using the CPU in independent background threads. Skia also has native codecs, of course if you don't use the SKCodec class, when loading an encoded image it will give priority to using the platform's native codec, but it is possible to use its codec, for example for jpeg files it uses libjpeg-turbo and for png files libpng which maybe in certain environments may perform better than native. See some examples: Advanced shapes Advanced text rendering / shaping Svg Lottie files And much more...
  5. Hi everyone, Following fast on my last post, I thought I'd also share another development I've started - a Console Manager for the Delphi IDE. This is a tool that allows you to spin up a cmd.exe or powershell.exe within a dockable form, localised within the Delphi IDE. Features: - It is aware of the active project, so it will open up in the directory in which the dproj is located. It is still very alpha as in it just streams stdout/stdin, and not totally pleasant on the eye, but ok for an alpha POC. - I've got a little slider that allows you to zoom in/out. - (planning) The ability to have lists of commands / saved environments that could be applied to a newly created session. This is a POC, and still have some more work to do as I want to embrace the new pseudo console api which was introduced with the new Windows Terminal drive along with the VT emulation which would support colour, repositioning of the cursor, etc. I have not released this publicly yet, but attached is a short video demonstrating how it works. If you are interested in accessing it, please send me a mail: conrad.vermeulen@gmail.com. Let me know about what IDEs versions you may be interested in. I think I can do XE8 onwards. I'll provide more information when it is officially released. Regards, Conrad
  6. I just copies it from https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-10506 I suppose it was created in 2015, but I would believe in 2011, too 🙂
  7. A generic class constructor can behave even weirder. https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Methods_(Delphi)#Class_Constructors
  8. And another 5 for it to actually work properly.
  9. This issue is as old as generics are: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-10506