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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/21 in Posts

  1. Rinzwind

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    For those rounded corners you need 3d acceleration (go figure...). Virtualbox has that, but you need the registry hack to install 11. Anyway, the non-consistent look is a direct result of the unwillingness of MS to provide modern controls accessible to every programming language (aka flat C API). We even have fake titlebars to accomplish buttons etc in there which all look different (compare the sizes of the close and minimize buttons in Office, Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Notepad...) and the win32 api can't even get its correct position and sizes. Heck many old win32 gui code needs adjustments for those fancy things. The UWP app mix of window handles are a mess, depending on state (shown, minimized) and virtual desktop location. DPI handling is a mess and that API changed too many times and depends too much on developer involvement. Apple did it better and way more consistent and doesn't feel the need to change its GUI needlessly repeatedly.
  2. When has an abundance of visual noise been a problem before with Pascal, the most verbose of languages!!!
  3. Remy Lebeau

    Another case of tlsv1 alert protocol version

    That is exactly what you would need to do. 10.1.1 is an EXTREMELY OLD version of Indy. The current version is 10.6.2. Be sure to read the install instructions first. Yes, you need those DLLs no matter what. But you would still need an up-to-date Indy to take advantage of those updated DLLs and configure them properly. It is very common for apps to use their own copies of OpenSSL DLLs, to avoid versioning conflicts, as the OpenSSL API tends to change from one major version to another. It should not, since that folder should not be on the system search path, but even if it were, the DLLs should normally be looked for in the app's folder first. But, Indy does have an IdOpenSSLSetLibPath() function in the IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders unit if you need to specify exactly which folder Indy looks in for the DLLs. The revision notes at the top of each Indy .pas file are EXTREMELY OLD, so just ignore them. They are a remnant from when Indy used TeamCoherence for its version control many years ago, before switching to SVN and now GitHub (neither of which store commit details directly in source files themselves). Then you have an EXTREMELY OLD version of Indy installed and need to upgrade. Not without upgrading, no. See my comment above.
  4. I just started using Stefan's TestInsight tool and it's pretty cool. Blog post up tonight: https://www.ideasawakened.com/post/radauthenticator-part-3-upgrade-unit-testing-in-delphi-with-testinsight
  5. Remy Lebeau

    Cyrillic characters in URL

    Yes. Delphi 11 shipped with the latest Indy that was available 3 months ago.