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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/22 in all areas

  1. Hello, I've got some good news and sort of a Christmas present: What is it? Delphi Code Coverage Wizard V2.0. A GUI to make using the CodeCoverage.exe tool easier. Oh and what please is code coverage? With code coverage one can find out whether the unit tests one has (I do hope you have some!) really cover all of your code or if you missed some scenarious. If you still are unsure how that looks like you might have a look at the screenshots provided at the bottom of the project's github page here: https://github.com/MHumm/delphi-code...ge-wizard-plus Now where to get this fine tool? https://github.com/MHumm/delphi-code...eases/tag/V2.0 Hopefully via GetIt package manager soon as well. That one currently still contains V1.1 A list of the improvements made between V1.1 and V2.0 is found on the release URL above. Now enjoy it TurboMagic
  2. programmerdelphi2k

    The problem of running the app on IOS

    NOTE: you are using a "DataModule" then, there is not necessity create a "FDConnection" by code! just use a component FDConnection! same to "FDQuery"... just use a component with no-statement SQL! close, change the sql, open! if needs in many place, then, use another FDQuery! that way, you avoid create and kill it all time! look my sample using SQLite https://mega.nz/file/T34mlZ7J#L-wpnR2kes5NU9cRyTD1dYMmYLKq4EtroWETVjwYfuk
  3. If you have a need for updating a wider range of data, synchronously or asynch, to clients - combining MQTT with Kafka is really powerful. https://medium.com/python-point/mqtt-and-kafka-8e470eff606b
  4. Thanks for clarifying, it is important to know that MQTT refers to the MQseries product from IBM and has nothing to do with “message queue“ 🙂 Some introduction posts which might be useful for others: https://www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-essentials-part-1-introducing-mqtt/ and https://www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-essentials-part2-publish-subscribe/
  5. Hello, If you just need to exchange messages between clients, any of the proposed solutions will work, a publish/subscribe pattern is enough for your needs and any of the solutions can implement this pattern. 1. MQTT is usually used on constrained nets where bandwidth is important, the most common usage is working as a sensor, example: sending temperature every x seconds. 2. You can use any TCP library and implement your own Server and Client, using queues to store the messages exchanged between clients. I recommend Indy which is free, included with any Delphi version, supports all personalities and works very well. 3. WebSocket protocol has the advantage that using the same server implementation, is supported on VCL and WebBrowsers clients. Also has other features like compression, sub-protocols... As an example, I've a presence demo that allows to know who is subscribed to a channel, and exchange messages between peers, this can be useful for applications like chat rooms, collaborators on a document, people viewing the same web page, competitors in a game... find below a link of the compiled sample if you want to test it and get a better idea of how works. https://www.esegece.com/download/protocols/ProtocolPresence.zip Kind Regards, Sergio
  6. Dave Nottage

    Erro PlayStore aab

    Google Translate says it is: "You are the man!"... I'll take that, thanks! 🙂
  7. 14.6.0 24.10.2022 + TMiTeC_OperatingSystem - System Code Integrity options detection added * TMiTeC_OperatingSystem - LiveID detection fixed + TMiTeC_OperatingSystem - True windows name and version and compatibility mode detection enhanced and precised - TMiTeC_OperatingSystem - OSBuild property removed - TMiTeC_OperatingSystem - UpdateBuildRevision property added + TMiTeC_SMBIOS - UEFI Secure Boot status detection added + TMiTeC_SMBIOS - SMBIOS 3.6 compliance * TMiTeC_SMBIOS - Fixed BIOS size evaluation * TSysProcMonThread - process CPU usage fixed under Windows Vista + TSysProcMonThread - CPU package temperature added (experimental, only on machines with appropriate thermal zone available) * TMiTeC_Storage - HDD SSD temperature detection fixed * TMiTeC_Network - Adapter max speed detection fixed * Demo 02 - memory detection fixed * Demo 19 - CPU temperature added * Application GetSys redesigned + TMiTeC_EventLog - added Backup (creates specified evetlog container backup to evt file) and ClearLog (clears specified log container) functions For more information see https://www.mitec.cz/msics.html