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  1. Hi. I received this email yesterday " We are pleased to send to RAD Studio customers on Update Subscription this invite to join the beta program for Embarcadero’s next major release of Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio, codenamed Malawi. This invitation is for all Update Subscription customers (after an initial beta invite limited to Premium Update Subscription customers only). This invite is personal and cannot be shared with other developers without an active Update Subscription. " Merry Christmas
  2. Achim Kalwa

    Delphi beta testing a "premium" privilege?

    Don't panic; Uwe is right. I have reliable information that users with normal Update Subscription will also be invited to the beta test, but only a few days/weeks later. Merry Christmas to you all.
  3. angusj

    Processing PNG image

    Clement, there are a number of Delphi graphics libraries that will do what you want, so my answer would depend on the graphics library you're currently using. (IOW, it generally easiest to stick with what your familiar unless there's a good reason to change.) Edit: What you're generally looking for are image resampling algorithms, of which there are many. But, as almost always, there must be compromises between speed and image quality. And when you're down-sampling (ie making images smaller), then for quality I'd strongly recommend a down-sampling algorithm over a general image resampler. Bon Noël 🎄
  4. programmerdelphi2k

    Processing PNG image

    maybe this way: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59904761/transparent-png-image-loaded-from-resource-file-resized-with-grapics32-and-draw https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31271622/how-to-resize-png-image-with-alpha-channels-using-gdi
  5. programmerdelphi2k

    The problem of running the app on IOS

    I think that your "Configuration can be pointing to VCL project, not FMX"... look your Project Manager to see if you are using "FMX project" really!!!
  6. gtDelphiZXingQRCode is a fork of the out dated DelphiZXingQRCode https://github.com/War3Evo/gtDelphi/tree/master/gtDelphiZXingQRCode DelphiZXingQRCode has not been updated for 9 years and all the pull requests are being ignored. So, I downloaded the file and started adding new life to the project. I was going to fork it, but I wanted to rename it slightly. I still give credit where it's due. I have mainly been focusing on the FMX side of the source code. What's new? It now has a non-visual FMX component that is threaded for background work. I know if I want to get this library ready for Android usage, it needs to be threaded. It can create both SVG and BMP file data. You can change the pixel colors while it's creating the SVG / BMP file data. I changed the black to blue and the white to violet... My Google pixel was still able to recognize the QR code quickly! There's a option to not use "inner style" in order to be compatible with Skia4Delphi. Road Map: I plan to create another SampleFMX application just for incorporating Skia4Delphi. Skia4Delphi has a SVG viewer that I wish to integrate with the component for those whom also want to use Skia4Delphi. I need to add resizing capabilities. If I can figure out how to resize the SVG version, then I can create the SVG version...resize it to any size then save it as BMP. Resizing BMP makes the QR code unusable. I eventually want to incorporate the QR code reader from Delphi ZXing and also include a better third party camera into gtDelphiZXingQRCode. Any other ideas are welcome.
  7. I would concur with creating your own Repository. Also, please don't leave us purely VCL programmers behind. 🙂
  8. Remy Lebeau

    Reading processing instructions from XML

    Yes. You can enumerate the TXMLDocument.Node.ChildNodes list, looking for any children IXMLNode entries whose IXMLNode.NodeType property is ntProcessingInstr and IXMLNode.NodeName property is 'xml-stylesheet'. When you find a match, you will have to parse out its 'href' value from the IXMLNode.NodeValue property.