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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/23 in Posts

  1. Stefan Glienke

    Introducing Delphi Uses Helper

    Uploaded the latest version - you can download from https://files.spring4d.com/UsesHelper/latest/UsesHelperSetup.zip
  2. An OpenAPI Parser is a tool used for parsing and validating OpenAPI specifications. OpenAPI is a specification for building APIs that defines a standard language-agnostic interface for RESTful web services. Now you can use the sgcOpenAPI Parser to import any OpenAPI Specification and generate the required Delphi / Pascal interface methods to interactuate with the API. The sgcOpenAPI Parser supports the following specifications: - OpenAPI 3.* - Swagger 2.* (automatically converted from 2.0 to 3.0) - Swagger 1.* (automatically converted from 1.0 to 3.0) The sgcOpenAPI Parser has been used to generate the following pre-built SDKs - Amazon AWS SDK (+280 Services) - Google Cloud SDK (+250 Services) - Azure SDK (+650 Services) - Microsoft SDK (+15 Services) More Info: https://www.esegece.com/openapi https://www.esegece.com/community/blog https://youtu.be/yCpRTm_KZ7I Trial Version: https://www.esegece.com/openapi/parser Kind Regards, Sergio
  3. Stefan Glienke

    TestInsight 1.2 released

    Uploaded the latest release - - you can download from https://files.spring4d.com/TestInsight/latest/TestInsightSetup.zip
  4. Miguel Moreno

    Updated XMLMapper

    Dick: The filters you expect to see are there ... Just switch to the "Schema View" tab on the left side panel 😊 Those filters apply only when you load an XML XSD schema ... When loading a raw XML file the filters do not apply, so that is the reason you do not see them when the "Document View" tab is selected. And do not feel bad ... We also feel that the source panel ( left side one ) of XML Mapper is a bit confusing ... We would like to overhaul the user interface to make it more intuitive, but for right now our main priority is to make XML Mapper fully usable, bug and crash free, and to support all modern XML documents and schemas. Please report any issue or bug that you find using the "Malawi Beta" XML Mapper ...
  5. Tons of questions on StackOverflow on that very topic, for instance: How can I use "sizeof" in a preprocessor macro? sizeof() is not executed by preprocessor Does the sizeof operator work in preprocessor #if directives? Just to name a few... Since sizeof is a compile-time constant, I would use "if constexpr" instead: if constexpr (sizeof(ATypeName) > 20) { /*.... your code here ...*/ }
  6. Patrick PREMARTIN


    Simple Microsoft logic how-to : - You must have a CSC to sign your programs and distribute them on our operating systems. - We don't provide anything to get CSC on our operating systems. Use a Mac !
  7. bzwirs

    Stack Overflow error

    The first install I opted to save registry entries which normally means I don't have to reinstall the 3rd party components that I use and then I was getting that error. This time I did the opposite and reinstalled the 3rd party components I use and get no error when opening that project. So assume that it must have something to do with a corrupted 3rd party setting in registry from first install. In hindsight, I may have achieved the same result by simply just reinstalling the 3rd party components. Just for your interest, the 3rd party components I use in that particular project are TMS, Woll2Woll, HTML Editor and PDFium (WinSoft).
  8. bzwirs

    Stack Overflow error

    Have reinstalled Delphi with delete registry entries option this time and reinstalled all 3rd party components.....project now opens without error and compiles for Win32. Unable to compile for Android yet but have found that SDK paths are not there so probably need to reinstall Android SDK.
  9. David Heffernan

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    Frustration at my dev tool lagging behind. The editor is the least of my worries. It's the poor and never changing performance of the code emitted by the compiler that frustrates me the most.
  10. David Heffernan

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    I guess my sarcasm didn't shine through
  11. Dalija Prasnikar

    Stack Overflow error

    You get this error because you are trying to open project from recent files which links directly to .dproj file. If you open it through File -> Open and open .dpr then dproj will be recreated. Anyway, deleting dproj file, while it can help in certain scenarios is not the best course of action, especially for cross-platform FMX projects as you will lose all custom setup required for those projects, but that depends on how complicated your setup is. If your dproj file is corrupted in some way and it cannot be loaded, then creating brand new project with same name and configuring it from scratch, is better option as autogenerating can cause you other troubles down the road because auto-generation does not properly configure and add all platforms.
  12. Lars Fosdal

    Stack Overflow error

    Big mistake. It is the .dproj file that can be recreated.