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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/23 in Posts

  1. Bart Kindt

    Android Foreground Server location access blocked

    @programmerdelphi2k: Sorry, I must be blind. The android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION has fixed my problem. Big thanks to both of you! Bart.
  2. Hey Dave thanks for all you do to help others. I found this Delete the info.plist.TemplateiOS.xml file, and the LaunchScreen.TemplateiOS folder, and rebuild. If that does not work, after building, use Project|Deployment in the Delphi main menu, and check whether there are many disabled entries. If so, use the "Revert to default" button (looks like "Undo") in the top left – Dave Nottage Feb 2, 2021 at 0:57 And this did the trick all is working now. That was so weard
  3. The problem is simple. The way you have defined the field in the record, no Rtti information is created. This can be illustrated with the following: var rttiType: TRttiType := TRttiContext.Create.GetType(TypeInfo(TMyRecord)); if rttiType <> Nil then begin var recFieldType: TRttiType; for var field: TRttiField in rttiType.GetFields do begin recFieldType := field.FieldType; if recFieldType <> Nil then ShowMessage(recFieldType.ClassType.ClassName) else ShowMessage('Nil'); end; end; Solution: Explicitly define your own type or use dynamic arrays. type TInt3Array = array[1..3] of Integer; With best regards Thomas
  4. dummzeuch

    Delphi SQL Formatter

    There is the "Convert Strings", editor expert which allows for more complex conversions.
  5. pyscripter

    PyScripter reached 1 million downloads from Sourceforge

    PyScripter has reached 1.5 million downloads. This is just from Sourceforge and does not include downloads from Embarcadero, many other download sites and forks such as GuiPy. What is quite satisfying is that there is no country in the world without downloads. Greenland for instance, a vast country with a population of only 56000, has 7 downloads.
  6. programmerdelphi2k

    "natural" compare function for sort

    @Tommi Prami in time, (almost 3 year is nothing... isn't) my sample no-dependences of DLL, then you can use it in any platform! https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/9276-my-tstringlist-custom-sorting-trying-to-mimic-windows-explorer-way/
  7. It would be cool to look at the Wine implementation of StrCmpLogicalW and port that to Pascal once and for all for a cross platform implementation. https://gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/-/blob/master/dlls/kernelbase/string.c#L1298 Looks kinda simple really
  8. It's a shame that Delphi does not have {$PUSH}/{$POP} directives like FreePascal has, that would clean up that code a bit, eg: {$PUSH}{$R-} TempInt := TempInt * 11; {$POP} This has already been requested in Delphi for many many years, but nothing ever came of it: QC #56908: Save and restore compiler directives with push/pop RSP-14045: {$BEGINOPT R+,Q-} ... {$ENDOPT} RSP-38847: Implement stack-like push/pop for compiler directives to preserve/restore state
  9. I read "branchless" and I cry - see RSP-21955
  10. David Heffernan

    Setting Font Color on certain controls

    And also introduce large numbers of obscure bugs that will take forever to debug.