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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/23 in Posts

  1. salvadordf

    My new project : WebView4Delphi

    I just published a new project in GitHub called WebView4Delphi. WebView4Delphi allows you to embed Chromium based web browsers in your Delphi or Lazarus applications using the WebView2 runtime. It uses the latest stable version of the WebView2 nuget package 1.0.1054.31. I used many of the tricks I learned creating CEF4Delphi and you will notice many similarities if you used it. I still have to write the documentation but you can build the available demos to see it working in VCL, FMX and Lazarus apps. There are a few things pending like the "windowless mode". It's being distributed with a simple MIT license so anyone can do whatever s/he wants with it. https://github.com/salvadordf/WebView4Delphi
  2. Darian Miller

    Profiler for Delphi

    Profilers measure application execution. Two main types are Sampling and Instrumenting profilers. You run the application and the profiler measures times for code to complete. It sounds like what you want is some sort of AI to read/parse your code and suggest improvements. You could try feeding pieces to ChatGPT and see how well that performs... Or, perhaps you want a static code analyzer, like Pascal Analyzer from Peganza....https://www.peganza.com/products_pal.html it will parse your code and provide reports of things that could be improved. (They offer a free, limited feature version to try....Pascal Analyzer Lite: https://www.peganza.com/download.html)
  3. PeterBelow

    How do I upgrade an old 2007 project ?

    Depending on your project this can get complex and even expensive if you used a lot of 3rd-party libraries. You can find a good overview here. If you google for "migrating delphi projects" the first hits (for me) list a number of youtube videos that may be useful. There is also a fairly recent book on the topic available: "Delphi Legacy Projects: Strategies and Survival Guide" from William H Meyer. Do not try to open the old project file directly, first delete all files with extensions other than dpr, pas, inc, rc, res from the project directory (after making a backup, of course) and then open the project's dpr file in the 10.3 IDE. That creates a new project (dproj) file. Open the project options dialog and adjust any pathes in the compiler page as required. Make sure to enable all hints and warnings and then try to build the project. The hints and warnings you get even if the build is successful (which is unlikely) will give you an inkling about the magnitude of the task you are facing. The main pain points are: Ansi to Unicode conversions. 3rd-party components used (i hope you have source code for all of them). Even if D 10 Versions exist for the old components (which you have to buy if commercial) there are likely to be a lot more compatibility issues with them compared to Delphi RTL or VCL code. Database access if you used the BDE (which is dead, buried and cremated for good measure). Assuming sizeof(pointer) = sizeof(integer) (especially if you want to go 64 bit) or sizeof(char) = sizeof(byte) when misusing strings as storage for binary data. Good luck
  4. David Heffernan

    Profiler for Delphi

    That's not what AQtime does. Vtune is essentially analogous to AQtime but far more capable. You aren't going to find this magic solution that you want, whereby you wave a magic wand and your program is suddenly much faster. Optimisation though is going to take effort from you to understand your program. No shortcuts.
  5. Primož Gabrijelčič

    Messageloop in Omnithread task

    Use fController := CreateTask(TWorker.Create()).MsgWait.Run; Note the extra (). I don't know why, but compiler requires them.