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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/23 in Posts

  1. Remy Lebeau

    How do I execute code after FormShow ?

    That is what the WM_APP range, and RegisterWindowMessage(), are meant for instead. Yes, it is perfectly safe to use the WM_USER range for your own messages within your own window.
  2. Anders Melander

    How do I execute code after FormShow ?

    You missed the point: The +$0001 is not necessary. The first available custom message ID is WM_USER, not WM_USER+1.
  3. Sherlock

    Testers needed for GExperts Instant Grep expert

    It behaves strangely when resized: On a side note, the __Build_Project.cmd enters an infinite loop when run from a UNC-path like \\Mac\Home\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects.
  4. uligerhardt

    Testers needed for GExperts Instant Grep expert

    MInor issue: Clicking the "Case sensitive" checkbox doesn't update the search.
  5. Ian Branch

    Testers needed for GExperts Instant Grep expert

    Hi Thomas, I have just had a play with this functionality. Agree with ULIK on the filename, although I am not sure how you would re-jig it. Possibly retaining the row divider, without the filename, but putting the line # in a column on the left. Like a two column String Grid?? Ian
  6. Anders Melander

    How do I execute code after FormShow ?

    Then it was a bad example. No, my guess is that it's cargo cult; The +1 is so widespread that most people think that it's the first available value (which it isn't).
  7. ULIK

    Testers needed for GExperts Instant Grep expert

    Next thing I noticed: I placed the window on a second monitor right beside the maximized IDE main window on first monitor. No problem. Now I closed Instant Grep and opened it again: the Window is placed on my first monitor instead of second one. And how do I clear a former hit list? Entering a blank search phrase does not clear it. Also closing and reopening does not clear it.
  8. ULIK

    Testers needed for GExperts Instant Grep expert

    Doing a first short test: I was irritated as every hit is divided be the filename. As Instant Grep displays it's result only based on current editor file, why not just add the filename only to caption (see attached image)? Second: I compiled the current source, closed Delphi 11.3 and installed the new DLL. Now the first start showed that error: Following starts do not show it anymore. And why is the roaming profile? Shouldn't this be stored on LOCAL_APP_DATA? Third, if there is no hit I would not show the entry 'Original Position'. At first I wondered, if this was a wrong hit of grep search, because I see something on result list I do not expect. If you want to show the original position, make it more clearer that this is *not* a search result. kind regards, Ulrich