I have no knowledge of any tool for automatic conversion (even partial).
There are several contexts you should pay attention to when converting:
1) string: currently the definition is Unicode, in Delphi7 it was synonymous with AnsiString;
2) char: 1 character occupies two bytes. in Delphi7 it occupied 1 byte;
3) several definitions have changed in both core and third-party components;
4) several basic components distributed with Delphi7 are no longer distributed with Delphi 10.3, and obviously there must be third-party 64-bit components if you use them;
5) when converting between 32 and 64 bit you must pay attention to the various types of parameters, especially in third-party DLLs: PChar, PWChar, PAnsiChar....
6) Integer, cardinal, nativeint, etc....
7) Floating Extended type is 80 bit long in 32 bit application, but in 64 bit is an alias of double (64 bit long);
8 Pointers in 32 bit platforms are 4 bytes length, in 64 bit platforms they are 8 bytes length.
9) In 64 bit platforms you cannot mix assembler and pascal in the same method.
10) more other stuff
Look here for more info: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Converting_32-bit_Delphi_Applications_to_64-bit_Windows
Good luck and good work