If you purchased 11 but your subscription ran out after 11.1 was released but before 11.2 was released, you could only use 11.1 even though 11.2 is another update to 11.
I assume you should be able to download 11.1 in that scenario but accessing installers after your subscription runs out is a murky area to me. I believe they allow you to access the download portal only if you have an active subscription - so it's up to you to ensure that you download the installers you need and keep local copies before your subscription runs out. (Since you aren't paying them anything for ongoing support, you would be expecting lifetime free access to that large database of installers that they maintain - which seems like a valid argument from their side. On the flip side, bandwidth is pretty cheap these days and they are already hosting it for paying customers...)
Alternatively, while you have an active subscription, you should at least keep a copy of their public download links so you can download them later as needed (for example, keep this link for the 10.4 ISO image: https://altd.embarcadero.com/download/radstudio/10.4/RADStudio-1042-4203.iso) Of course, they could change those download links in the future so it's best to keep local copies if you are not maintaining an active subscription.
The best solution is to always keep your subscription active and up to date. It benefits the entire community by keeping your subscription current.