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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/24 in Posts

  1. Delphi YouTube Downloader This project is a YouTube downloader developed in Delphi capable of downloading videos in various formats and qualities. Supported Formats Video Quality: From 8K to 360p in MP4 format. Audio Formats: MP3, FLAC, and M4A. Requirements yt-dlp and ffmpeg are used as open-source libraries for downloading and processing media files. Installation Instructions Ensure that the following files are present in the Tools folder: ffmpeg.exe yt-dlp.exe Download location: Videos will be saved in the Downloads folder located in the same directory as the application. Feel free to contribute and improve the project! Your contributions are welcome. 👍 🚀 https://github.com/mesutde/Delphi-Youtube-Downloader
  2. Brian Evans

    FireDac PostgreSQL Parameters

    Parameters are not processed by Delphi inside string constants in SQL queries. You are using Dollar-Quoted String Constants (strings delimited by starting and ending with $$). do $$ string constant that is executed as an anonymous code block $$ Ref: PostgreSQL: Documentation: 17: 4.1. Lexical Structure
  3. weirdo12

    FireDAC Cannot Load Postgresql vendor library

    In case you need the final 32-bit version of PostgreSQL to get the correct libraries, here is a link: https://get.enterprisedb.com/postgresql/postgresql-10.23-1-windows.exe
  4. silvercoder79

    The Advent of Code 2024.

    I'm playing along....
  5. Anders Melander

    Open-source Delphi interpreters?

    I have used DWScript as a scripting system in several products. Used either to provide business rules (no UI, just logic) or as a app/plugin (with UI). The OP language support and performance is excellent. The learning curve is extremely high (no documentation, few examples). Here's an IDE/debugger I wrote for it: DWScriptStudio FWIW, https://www.beginend.net is powered by DWScript.
  6. Dalija Prasnikar

    Strict type checking for tObject.

    Another more elaborate example that will show why is compiler strictness for var parameter necessary, and why without it we could easily and unintentionally write the code that can corrupt memory otherwise Pass the Dog, Get the Cat
  7. Remy Lebeau

    Strict type checking for tObject.

    Perhaps this will help: Magic behind FreeAndNil
  8. Stefan Glienke

    Strict type checking for tObject.

    It is pretty simple - imagine if the code below would work that way: procedure ReplacePet(var pet: TPet); begin pet.Free; pet := TCat.Create; end; procedure Main; var dog: TDog; begin ReplacePet(dog); dog.Bark; // meow?! end; FreeAndNil is special because it just destroys and assigns nil. But a var parameter does not give that guarantee.