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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/19 in all areas

  1. I mentioned that I am working on the Delphi Tools Manager in my post about GExperts supporting import and export for the Tools menu. Today I finished the first version of this tool. It supports all Delphi versions from 5 to 10.3 (it is written in Delphi 10.2). So, what does it do: It shows a list of all entries in the Delphi IDE’s tool menu in a similar manner as the Tools Options dialog. It allows the same actions as that dialog: Add/Delete/Edit an entry and change the order of the entries. It shows the details of each entry when it is selected. It allows exporting and importing entries, using the same DTME file format as GExperts Dragging one or more DTME files on the form will add them to the list Read on in the blog post at https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2019/06/16/delphi-tools-manager-1-0-0-released/
  2. Andrea Magni

    Shortening the URL

    Hi @Yaron, you can definitely get rid of the "/rest" prefix by setting the Engine BasePath property to empty string (by default the engine has 'DefaultEngine' as Name and '/rest/ as BasePath): class constructor TServerEngine.CreateEngine; begin FEngine := TMARSEngine.Create; try // Engine configuration FEngine.BasePath := ''; // <============== FEngine.Parameters.LoadFromIniFile; // Application configuration FEngine.AddApplication('DefaultApp', '/default', [ 'Server.Resources.*']); If you want to push this thing futher, you can even think about inheriting your own TMARSActivation class and shortcut request matching by overriding FindMethodToInvoke method. HTH Sincerely, Andrea
  3. New version 13.4.0 released! * TMiTeC_SMBIOS detection fixed * TMiTeC_OperatingSystem VMWare/VirtualPC/VirtualBox session identification fixed * TProcMonThread handles enumeration fixed + TProcMonThread file handle file position evaluated in handles detection * TMiTeC_TCPIP adapter detection fixed For more information about the library, download locations and documentation, see the MiTeC System Information Component Suite Home Page
  4. PeterBelow

    Passing back a string from an external program

    A fairly simple method is to pass a window handle to program2 on the command line an then have that program sent its result back in a WM_COPYDATA message to that window. Only caveat: program1 must not wait on program2 to finish in a manner that blocks message processing of the main thread.
  5. Just finished a personal project for consuming and creating YAML in Delphi: https://blog.grijjy.com/2019/06/03/a-yaml-library-for-delphi/