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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/20 in Posts

  1. Scott

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Well I'm quickly coming to the conclusion the 10.4 is utter crap 😞 It keeps locking up and access violating. Seems like Embarcadero need to increase their Beta testing pool because this release is a real shocker. Back to 10.3 I go and the awesome FixPack
  2. Lars Fosdal

    Typed constants in Delphi.

    Heated discussions that end well - No problem, IMO. Discussing in writing is always difficult. Differences such as cultural background and language can make it easy to trip up and come across the wrong way. As long as we are patient and try to stay positive and on the ball instead of the man - there is hope.
  3. Mahdi Safsafi

    RTTI in dpr / console app dpr

    I know that, I was meaning RttiContext.GetTypes
  4. Thanks, I've fixed certs 10 and 12, that was me on auto pilot copying selected certificates from the automatically generated bundle files and manually converting them into constants with global replace, really need to automate that to avoid errors. But since all the certificates are concatenated in order, it should not make any difference. in theory. Not sure how those • 8-bit characters got into the literals, but I've removed them, and from TrustedCABundle, the larger bundles are built in a different way. Very strange that errors don't show up consistently. I have seen a problem with PSTACK on servers, where stacks were being continually rebuilt to validate certificates,, but that went away when I simplified the code to avoid rebuilding so often. These fixes should be in SVN tomorrow, when I've finished some other stuff. Angus
  5. Mahdi Safsafi

    Typed constants in Delphi.

    @David Heffernan Just one last thing that bother me with SO: There're a lot of people that use a high level vocabulary that any no-native English speaker would understand. Worse they follow grammar mistakes and embarrasses the man in a way (you missed 's', he/she/it ... come on !, ...). When you talk with your Doctor, the Doctor is confined by deontological ethics to give you a clean, simple and loyal information. I believe that should applies on SO too (A man asks question because he is confused otherwise he wouldn't ask). David and all SO influencers, your voice is heard ! Perhaps, you can start an initiation at least on the Delphi community (this definitely will make a difference).
  6. Mahdi Safsafi

    Typed constants in Delphi.

    David what you said is totally true. But I want to add something : For many times, I saw many people get humiliated for trivial reasons by people that just enjoy doing that and SO is not doing a good job there ! I'm not talking specifically to the Delphi area (I saw that behavior around all SO). Some of my friend refused to use SO just for a moral reason. Moreover, many developers don't agree with their policies.
  7. David Heffernan

    Typed constants in Delphi.

    It came across as patronising and gleeful. I don't agree with that. I think anyone who says that doesn't understand Stack Overflow in the round. There's a huge problem with Stack Overflow, but it's not what you allude to. In the beginning the site had very little content and there was a void to be filled by asking questions. After some time the majority of questions had been asked and answered. The overwhelming use of the site is a websearch that leads to topic on the site with an existing question that matches the user's needs. Overwhelmingly users get their answers without asking new questions. Nowadays there are basically two main form for new questions that get asked 1. A question is asked that has been asked before. These get closed as duplicates. 2. A question is asked by a user that has done no debugging. Closing duplicates is good for everyone. The other form of question has no real value. You can answer the question and the asker learns nothing. Or you can try to help the user learn the value of debugging and so be able to do it for themselves in the future. The site doesn't really make it easy to do this, but i firmly believe it's the right thing to do. As is well known I've spent a lot of time on Stack Overflow over the years. These days I spend very little time there, because interesting questions are so rare. I think perhaps I have a very different perspective of the site than you do given the very different ways that we use them. I think this is an interesting topic, but it's not the topic that this thread is covering. If you want to discuss Stack Overflow, then that would be better in a different thread.
  8. eivindbakkestuen

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Are you sure that option does not exist anymore? 🙂 I'm pretty sure I didn't dream this up.
  9. David Heffernan

    Typed constants in Delphi.

    Surely all full time delphi programmers would be ecstatic with this.
  10. Mahdi Safsafi

    Typed constants in Delphi.

    @Kas Ob. That made me angry ... He showed a disrespect for me. He didn't appreciate the detailed explanation I gave neither the time I waste nor the experience I have. First, I said that the reason behind why Delphi's compiler not allowing using complex-type constants (e.g: array, record) as true constants was compile time speed (and I clearly explained why ? as this involves processing the data for each unit that uses the const ) ... He refused to believe and said that the reason because the types are complex ! ... I gave him a day to day example from the D programming language just to prove that the complexity is not a factor ! And yet he answered : That's not a Delphi Style. Second, I said that any developer should avoid using typed-ordinal-type-constants(Byte, Integer, ...) as this will impact optimization and adds an extra overhead at the compilation-time... Yet he strongly believed that's not true ! ... Again, I gave him a good explanation (how linker work) ... He called my explanation BS and asked for tests ! I made a test and showed clearly that at least the x64 compiler was affected ... Yet he said that the test isn't a real-world test and blamed the poor implementation for x64 compiler ... And again I found my self clarifying his wrong beliefs (explaining why it's hard to an x64-toolchain to outperform an x86-toolchain). Indeed he is experienced in Delphi development, but still has a lot to learn -thinking out of the box- (using other toolchain, knowing how a linker work wan't hurt too, ...) ... this certainly will change his mind about many things and would make him open for argumenting (not because Delphi is doing it in an X way means that Y is wrong). This applies to everyone ... including me (learning is a good way to open your mind)!
  11. vfbb

    ZXing Delphi for 10.4

    Just a information: The ZXing is a crossplatform solution, and is simple to implement, but is not the best choose. In Android I prefer the GoogleVision and in iOS I prefer use the apis of the AVFoundation, you will even avoid using TCamera, because it is very slow, very.
  12. davornik

    Detect virtual machine in 64bit?

    I have finally found solution and posted it here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61874765/3225668