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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/21 in Posts

  1. Anders Melander

    DelphiCodeToDoc any alternative?

    I'm using Documentation Insight to generate MSDN-style API documentation. It does pretty much the same as PasDoc but I prefer the format/style of the Documentation Insight output. It also has IDE integration so I can edit the documentation inside Delphi and best of all (for me); It can optionally keep the documentation text external so I don't make the source unreadable.
  2. TurboMagic

    DEC 6.1 released

    Hello, there is a new release 6.1 of DEC available . It is located here: https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium/releases/tag/V6.1 WHat's new since V6.0? * x64 compilation works out of the box now, some unit had not been properly listed for x64 * fixed the following cipher algorithms which were broken on x64: Blowfish, RC6 and Q128 * the Sapphire cipher did work with the unit test vectors but failed for some others * added SHA2-224 hash algorithm * added HMAC and pbkdf2 algorithms * somebody provided a build batch file * there is a command line application included now for setting the IDE's library path * progress even got changed and a VCL demo for that one was added * version history is a separate document in docs folder now Cheers TurboMagic
  3. Two blog posts to share: https://blog.synopse.info/?post/2021/02/13/Fastest-AES-PRNG%2C-AES-CTR-and-AES-GCM-Delphi-implementation https://blog.synopse.info/?post/2021/02/12/New-AesNiHash-for-mORMot-2 TL&DR: new AES assembly code burst AES-CTR AES-GCM AES-PRNG and AES-HASH implementation, especially on x86_64, for mORMot 2. It outperforms OpenSSL for AES-CTR and AES-PRNG, and is magnitude times faster than every other Delphi library I know about.
  4. Attila Kovacs

    Transform string into TDateTime

    @Alberto Paganini You need const in the parameter list, also measure with TStopwatch and not with Now(), and try not to use local string variable, like: function JsonStringToDateTime(const Src: string): TDateTime; const ofs = Ord('0'); var pSrc: PChar; Time: TDateTime; begin if Length(Src) < 19 then Exit(gOutOfScopelDate); pSrc := Pointer(Src); if not TryEncodeDate( // ((Ord((pSrc)^) - ofs) * 1000) + ((Ord((pSrc + 1)^) - ofs) * 100) + ((Ord((pSrc + 2)^) - ofs) * 10) + (Ord((pSrc + 3)^) - ofs), // ((Ord((pSrc + 5)^) - ofs) * 10) + (Ord((pSrc + 6)^) - ofs), // ((Ord((pSrc + 8)^) - ofs) * 10) + (Ord((pSrc + 9)^) - ofs), Result) then Exit(gOutOfScopelDate); if not TryEncodeTime( // ((Ord((pSrc + 11)^) - ofs) * 10) + (Ord((pSrc + 12)^) - ofs), // ((Ord((pSrc + 14)^) - ofs) * 10) + (Ord((pSrc + 15)^) - ofs), // ((Ord((pSrc + 17)^) - ofs) * 10) + (Ord((pSrc + 18)^) - ofs), // 0, // Time) then Exit(gOutOfScopelDate); Result := Result + Time; end;
  5. TigerLilly

    DelphiCodeToDoc any alternative?

  6. dummzeuch

    DelphiCodeToDoc any alternative?

    Maybe PasDoc?
  7. Anders Melander

    Splitting existing components to run- and design time packages

    I'm not sure what you are referring to there, but I was referring to the statements that: It's wrong to have the TMyButton class and the Register produce in the same unit. You need to have both a design- and a run-time package. This requirement is documented. Yes. I'm sure. In one of the many discussions I've had with Remy on this topic I checked the documentation all the way back to Delphi 1 and nowhere does it state that one must (or should) have both a design-time and a run-time package. I have also failed to find any other authoritative sources for the claim. It's always something that people heard from a friend of their 2nd cousins yoga teacher - or something like that 🙂 My claim is that, unless you link with run-time packages or share code between design-time packages, it's perfectly acceptable to put everything into a design-time package if you can. I.e. you don't need the run-time package. This also makes creating and maintaining design-time packages so much easier.
  8. Anders Melander

    Splitting existing components to run- and design time packages

    Yes it's normal that it compiles. RegisterComponents is a regular function located in the classes unit and if you couldn't use classes.pas from a run-time package then you couldn't do much at all. You don't necessarily need to have both a run- and design-time package (yes, there are different opinions on that) but if you have decided to split the packages into run- and design-time then I guess you should move the RegisterComponents into separate registration units and place those in the design time package.
  9. Anders Melander

    DelphiCodeToDoc any alternative?

    Alternative to what?