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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/23 in all areas

  1. johnnydp

    Parallel Resampling of (VCL-) Bitmaps

    @Renate SchaafInteresting stuff, can you post this with all latest fixex? Have you got own repo with your projects?
  2. A profile in GitHub created 11, forum account 10 hours ago (1 post, no rating). Only a RAR file is uploaded, based on the screenshots containing binaries. Contact info is a free Yahoo E-mail address, installations are blocked by AV and there's no real description of what FPDelphi is. Online searches show fuel pump related stuff. I really mean no offence and it can be me living under the rocks, but for someone who has no prior knowledge this is way too suspicious to check out.
  3. Angus Robertson

    DNS Query & Lookup Synced

    Reverse DNS is WSocketResolveIp, forward DNS is WSocketResolveHost, blocking means no timeout is possible, unless you mess with registry settings that affect every other application on the PC. Angus
  4. FPiette

    DNS Query & Lookup Synced

    Well, those are old functions that I was convinced to write. I assure you there are side effects that can be annoying (If you click on a button while a "Sync" function is working, the button event handler is called and could cause reentrancy issues if you do take care of it) if you don't master how Windows messaging system work. I keep the old "Sync" functions to preserve compatibility with old code peoples are still using (You may know that ICS is 26 years old and most if not all code written by then is still working unchanged).
  5. Gert Scholten

    Windows Extensions SDK in Delphi VCL

    Ok... I've found the solution. I needed to add the following to the app manifest: <PackageDependency Name="Microsoft.Midi.GmDls" MinVersion="" Publisher="CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US" />
  6. esegece

    ChatGPT Example

    @limelect because as in a previous post has been noted, these examples are using GPT-3 text transformer, not ChatGPT. ChatGPT has not API access yet. So you can receive different responses if you compare both. Kind Regards, Sergio
  7. Angus Robertson

    Gmail Subject not sending Non English Character

    Sorry, this was incorrect, the ICS SMTP component does automatically inline MIME encode any 8-bit characters, if you have SmtpCli.Allow8bitChars and SmtpCli.ConvertToCharset both false, and set SmtpCli.Charset to 'utf-8', which is not the default. Angus
  8. programmerdelphi2k

    Split String

    you can try a home-made like this: Put it in a "unit XXXX" used by your code... if you dont use last IDE, as 10 or 11 else, you can use : MyResult := MyVarWithTextSeparatedByXXX.Split(['-']); // MyResult: TArray<string>; type TMyArrOfStr = array of string; // for easy usage on many places... Note: Delphi use type-name to identify same types on var/object function MySplitStringToArrays(const AValue: string; ASeparator: char = '-'): TMyArrOfStr; var LText : string; i, z : integer; begin result := []; // if Trim(AValue) = '' then exit; // i := 1; // begin repeat z := Pos(ASeparator, AValue, i); if (z > 0) then begin LText := Copy(AValue, i, z - i); i := z + 1; end else begin LText := Copy(AValue, i); end; // if Trim(LText) <> '' then result := result + [LText]; until (z = 0); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MyResult: TMyArrOfStr; MyText : string; begin MyText := '-- --'; // hello-world-from-Delphi- -'; // MyResult := MySplitStringToArrays(MyText, '-'); // Memo1.Text := 'Arrays=' + Length(MyResult).ToString; Memo1.Lines.AddStrings(MyResult); end;