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  1. Full release notes for V9.0 will follow next week, meanwhile these are the main changes: New samples Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsSnippets.dpr - Small samples of codes for FTP, HTTP, sockets and email. Samples/Delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsNetMon.dpr - Internet Packet Monitoring Components, display packets and traffic using Npcap and raw sockets. Samples/Delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsNetTools.dpr - Network Tools Demo, uses all the main IP Helper functions, also TTIcsNeighbDevices, TIcsDomainNameCache, IcsDnsQueuy, TDnsQueryHttps, TIcsWhoisCli, TIcsIpChanges, TPing and TPingThread. Samples/Delphi/PlatformDemos/IcsHttpRestTstFmx.dproj - FMX HTTPS REST and OAuth, Send SMS and DNS over HTTPS functions demo. Samples/Delphi/PlatformDemos/IcsSslMultiWebServ.dproj - FMX Advanced multi host web server demo. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsMQTTst.dpr - MQ Telemetry Transport message queuing service. Note this sample needs the VirtualTree component to be installed. Major sample updates for new components Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst1.dpr - Uses TSslWebSocketCli for WebSocket Client, New embedded TOAuthLoginForm window using TOAuthBrowser for OAuth2 logins. Select client SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ.dpr, OverbyteIcsDDWebService.dpr - Uses THttpWSSrvConn for WebSocket Server. IcsHosts can use server SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store. IcsHosts can now request a SSL certificate from the remote client. WebSocket server support. Uses TIcsDomainNameCache for multiple reverse DNS lookups. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsPemTool.dpr - Can now export an SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store with its private key. Samples/delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsBatchDnsLookup.dpr - Uses TIcsDomainNameCache for multiple lookups. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsSslMailSnd.dpr, OverbyteIcsSslMailRcv.dpr, OverbyteIcsMailQuTst.dpr - New embedded TOAuthLoginForm window using TOAuthBrowser for OAuth2 logins. Samples/delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsNsLookup.dpr - Uses single or multiple DNS servers, including built-in list of public servers, also sync requests. New Components TIcsDomainNameCache and TIcsDomNameCacheHttps - Cache forward and reverse DNS lookup requests, using several methods. TIcsMonSocket - Internet monitoring using raw sockets. TIcsMonPcap - Internet monitoring using Npcap NDIS driver. TIcsIpChanges - Monitors IP address changes dynamically. TIcsNeighbDevices - Builds historic LAN MAC device and IPv4 and IPv6 address table using ARP, neighbourhood and IP range scanning with reverse host lookup. TOAuthBrowser - OAuth authentication browser window VCL/FMX form. TSslWebSocketCli - WebSocket client protocol. TIcsMQTTServer and TIcsMQTTClient - MQ Telemetry Transport message queuing service, client and server. Major Component Upgrades TDnsQuery - Add synchronous methods and more response properties. Check multiple DNS server hosts including public DNS lists. TSslWSocketServer - IcsHosts can use server SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store. IcsHosts can now request a SSL certificate from the remote client. TIcsFtpMulti - Send NOOP command periodically during multi hour transfers so connections are not closed accidentally. New classes and Functions THttpWSSrvConn - WebSocket server protocol. Internet Helper Functions - Unit OverbyteIcsIpHlpApi.pas includes IpHlpConnsTable, IpHlpAdaptersInfo, IpHlpAdaptersAddr, IpHlpIpAddrTable, IpHlpIpNeighbTable, IpHlpIPForwardTable, IpHlpIpPathTable, IpHlpGetDnsServers, IpHlpIfTable2, IpHlpIPStatistics, IpHlpUDPStatistics and many other functions. TIcsMonFilterClass - Filter network traffic on protocols or IP addresses. TIcsTrafficClass - Maintains network traffic statistics by protocols and IP addresses. Angus
  2. Uwe Raabe

    Some REST help please.

    IMHO the best way ist to use a dedicated class handling the parameters and place that in body: type TMyParam = class private FUserName: string; FSecret: string; FShortcode: string; FMsisdn: string; FMessage: string; public property Message: string read FMessage write FMessage; property Msisdn: string read FMsisdn write FMsisdn; property Secret: string read FSecret write FSecret; property Shortcode: string read FShortcode write FShortcode; property UserName: string read FUserName write FUserName; end; ... var myParam := TMyParam.Create; try myParam.UserName := 'email@email.com'; myParam.Secret :='password'; myParam.Shortcode := 'pacific bulkms'; myParam.Msisdn := '6799998122'; myParam.Message := 'Hello World'; RestRequest1.AddBody(myParam); finally myParam.Free; end;
  3. David Heffernan

    EXE Speeds: Delphi vs. FPC?

    I'm baffled. Both of these statements are wrong. Delphi is known to be produce very poor and inefficient code. Although I'm not qualified to comment on FPC's code gen.
  4. Hi all, I'm pleased to announce the new release (v1.7.2) of the Sempare Template Engine. This release includes: NEW manage/unmanage methods for managing objects created while the template is being evaluated. Template Engine Playground enhancements (now using the Carbon theme, shows template evalution time in ms, extract variables form a template) json/map like variable support FIX removed caching of TRttiMethod to ensure virtual methods are supported correctly fixed regression of TValue type coercion Older release notes can be viewed on the releases page. Have fun.