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Posts posted by Kryvich

  1. There are no major language and RTL differences between Delphi 10.4 and 11. At the same time, the new version is more stable, has better HighDPI support, improved LSP based ErrorInsight...


    There is no reason to stay on the old version of Delphi. Only if you have specific requirements that do not allow you to switch to a new one.

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  2. I tried Bing AI to convert from C to Delphi and it worked quite well. However, I converted individual functions, not the entire library.

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  3. I have just installed a new Delphi 11 Community Edition. And I see something similar with positions of non-visual components (MainMenu, ActionList, OpenDialog etc.) on my form in the VCL Form Designer. Positions are shifted when opening and saving the form.


    When I compare DFM files, before and after saving, in the new file, the explicit dimensions (ExplicitWidth, ExplicitLeft) differ from those in the old file. For. ex. in the old file:

    ExplicitWidth = 1630
    ExplicitLeft = 1306

    In the new file:

    ExplicitWidth = 1272
    ExplicitLeft = 948

    Workaround: Immediately after opening your form in the designer, click Save to correct the positions of the non-visual components.

  4. I just tried the PlusMemo editor. Looks very interesting. Loads a text much faster than standard Windows RichEdit. The Win32 version failed to load large files, but a 50MB XML file can be loaded, plugged in a highlighter, and edited comfortably.


    Conclusion: it's a great rich text editor, thanks for bringing it to our attention! And thanks to the developers for open sourcing it!

    It would be great to see it on Github.
