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Serge_G last won the day on November 13 2021

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87 Excellent


About Serge_G

  • Birthday 06/29/1956

Technical Information

  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. Serge_G

    ClientDataSet Wrong Aggregate

    How are your DataSet fields and Aggregate Field declared ? I think it's a rounding problem.
  2. Serge_G

    End Of File

    Hi, What about using onBeforeInsert event and put in it procedure TForm1.MyTableBeforeInsert(DataSet: TDataSet); begin Dataset.Cancel; end; I am not fan of these two values
  3. Serge_G

    Right To Left Components

    Don't remember that now you have Skia and his TSkiaLabel
  4. Serge_G

    Delphi 12CE and SQLite

    To answer @gkobler On page 21 of RAD Studio 12 Feature Matrix There are no limitations noted for a "classic" usage of SQLite . But, I can't test Community version to answer @FrancM
  5. Hello, There is a -service option you have to use Remote Backup & Restore
  6. Serge_G

    TControlList — need help!

    So, I have a look and test with 11.3 and 12.1 (entreprise) and no slow comportment found. So, for me, you got it.🙌 You said you use which version, community ok but last one (which is now a 11.2 or 11.3 version don't remember exactly ) ? As I see in your code, the key is the TControlList.FHeights I never found (for my discharge, I just deep dive in this component at the first occurrence and never run back in it)
  7. Serge_G

    TControlList — need help!

    Thanks for the guru, but actually I am on holidays (let say I prefer this term that a low activity scheme due to retirement 😉) Sure, I will have a look to your project. TControlList variable row heights was in my lengthy to-do list when retired but, as I really prefer FMX TListview this to-do item was in the bottom 10.
  8. Did you install FMXLinux via getit ?
  9. Serge_G

    Simple LiveBindings usage questions

    It's been a long time since I've looked into livebindings, outside database links and even, less in VCL being much more FMX 🙄 So, this question caught my attention. My first idea "its a VCL fact", but, writing the same sample in FMX, I got the same point 3 behaviour. My second clue was to notify BindingList a change, in memory my firsts steps with livebindings procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Checkbox1.Checked:=not Checkbox1.Checked; BindingsList1.Notify(Checkbox1,'checked'); end; But, unsuccessfully. My guess, checkbox state is changed after the drawing ? For that sort of, unusual, thing I used a one record ProtypeBindSource component with a boolean field And this code procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin PrototypeBindSource1.DataGenerator.Fields.Items[0].SetTValue(not checkbox1.Checked); end; Project22.zip
  10. Serge_G

    Docking Example

    When I first learn about docking, I view these two Alister Christie's videos https://learndelphi.tv/60-movie-32-dockable-forms https://learndelphi.tv/61-movie-33-dockable-forms-2
  11. MyDac can use macro https://docs.devart.com/mydac/work_macros.htm Something like this code (sorry, I don't use Mydac but Firedac) Query1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM user Where ID IN (&list)'; Query1.MacroByName('list').asString := '1,2,3'; Query1.Open; Otherwise, you can use a format string sqlstring:='SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (%s)'; inlist := '1,2,3' query.sql.text:=Format(sqlstring,[inlist]); Ok, it's really a very poor code !
  12. Hi, This is a question I can't respond easily, I have to write one Android application to check that. I will be back 😄 Meanwhile, check/ask on ZeosLib Portal
  13. My way : 1 - Open ZEOSDBO.groupProj. (not bpl ) 2 - Compile each package (in order) and, for design one, install. Long time ago I start writing a French tutorial, unfinished because I use now Firedac in priority.
  14. That's why I write MyTable.Filtered := not Mytable.Filter.isEmpty;
  15. A retired champion for now so I have time. I don't remember if I install ZEOS on my D11 version, but I always use SVN (http://svn.code.sf.net/p/zeoslib/code-0/trunk) version of ZEOSDBO, perhaps this is why I don't mind this compatibility trouble 😄 as you can see also ready for Delphi 12 Athenes Best wishes for new year