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Looks good, and short description would be good, too.


I'm trying to figure out if anything can be used for my projects or some of my clients.

Is this SQL highlighting control? Will you have dedicated SQL stuff page on your website? I see the SQL framework pdf, but I'm trying to understand how HTML library, HTML editor, Office controls fit with SQL stuff.




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4 minutes ago, Mike Torrettinni said:

Is this SQL highlighting control?




No, this is ability to execute SQL on any source - list of objects, array of records, dataset, CSV, JSON, XML, etc. And put result into dataset, stringlist, array, etc.

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Great work! I'm guessing you zoomed away from the object inspector on purpose, because you are not quite done yet? It would be great to see what's happening there otherwise.

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13 minutes ago, Alexander Sviridenkov said:

No, this is ability to execute SQL on any source - list of objects, array of records, dataset, CSV, JSON, XML, etc. And put result into dataset, stringlist, array, etc.

THtSQL* and TSQL* are your components?

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Looks good, you gonna release the SQL classes apart from the HTML Library ?

btw where did you learn to type that fast ? 😉


Edited by mvanrijnen

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Instead of just using SQL strings, did you think of using some of the existing ORM syntax as a model. There are many examples for Delphi.  See TMS Aurelius or Spring4D for examples.

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19 hours ago, Dave Novo said:

Instead of just using SQL strings, did you think of using some of the existing ORM syntax as a model. There are many examples for Delphi.  See TMS Aurelius or Spring4D for examples.

SQL is the most proven and widely-used DSL on earth, and it's the best option. Forget about those clunky and strange syntax of the so-called full-fledged ORM's.

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@Alexander Sviridenkov This is very cool and can be very useful! While I have a faith in your libraries, the only thing I'm concerning about is the performance. Is it based on the good old and fast RTTI (System.TypInfo.pas) or the new but slow extended RTTI (System.Rtti.pas)?

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8 hours ago, Edwin Yip said:

@Alexander Sviridenkov This is very cool and can be very useful! While I have a faith in your libraries, the only thing I'm concerning about is the performance. Is it based on the good old and fast RTTI (System.TypInfo.pas) or the new but slow extended RTTI (System.Rtti.pas)?


AFAIK TypInfo do not support records and field values.

But there are some optimizations so loading list of test objects containing 1 million objects takes 850 ms.


  TTest = class
    A: integer;
    b: string;
    c: double;


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On 10/6/2023 at 5:15 PM, mvanrijnen said:

Looks good, you gonna release the SQL classes apart from the HTML Library ?

btw where did you learn to type that fast ? 😉


No, this will be included in Reports (Bundle)

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Sample test application for SQL framework.



What it can do?

Extract and transform data directly from Excel, CSV, JSON and XML files and archives.


How to use: choose file or folder and write SQL query.


Example: select all data from Excel sheet (sample.xlsx is included):


select * from sample.sheet1


List of countries (we should exclude first row with caption using _row pseudo field).

select distinct b from sample.sheet1 where _row > 0

Calculate sum of sales by country

select B country, sum(H) sales from sample.sheet1 where _row > 0 group by 1

Countries (B) present in both segments (A)

select B from sample.sheet1 where A = 'Government'
select B from sample.sheet1 where A = 'Midmarket'

JSON file (customers.json is included):

select * from customers where email like '%.ca'

Using joins (sales_data.zip is included, it contains four JSON files: sales, orders, customers and products):

select c.name, o.orderId, o.date, p.name, s.quantity
  sales_data.sales s
  join sales_data.orders o on o.orderid=s.orderid
  join sales_data.customers c on c.customerid=o.customerid
  join sales_data.products p on p.productid=s.productid

Calc percent from max quantity

select c.name, o.orderId, o.date, p.name,
  round(100 * s.quantity / (select max(cast(quantity as float)) from sales_data.sales)) qpercent
  sales_data.sales s
  join sales_data.orders o on o.orderid=s.orderid
  join sales_data.customers c on c.customerid=o.customerid
  join sales_data.products p on p.productid=s.productid

List of products by order

select o.orderId, o.date, list(p.name, ', ') products
  sales_data.sales s
  join sales_data.orders o on o.orderid=s.orderid
  join sales_data.products p on p.productid=s.productid
group by 1, 2

XML (cust.xml example included).

Sometimes XML files has comples structure and contain different objects.
To select only necessary objects we use XPATH. Also XPATH can be used in field names:

select CustomerID, "/CompanyName" Company, "/FullAddress/City" City from cust('/Customers/Customer')

Join with orders in the same file:

select c.CustomerID, c."/CompanyName" Company, c."/FullAddress/City" City, cast(o."/OrderDate" as Date) OrderDate
from cust('/Customers/Customer') c
join cust('/Orders/Order') o on o."/CustomerID" = c.CustomerID

CSV (survey.csv is included)
Same naming scheme as for Excel.

Excample: top 10 industries by income

select C industry, sum(H) income from survey where F = 'Total income' group by 1
order by 2 desc
rows 1 to 10

What is supported:

select from select
join, left join
union, union all, intersect
distinct, order by, group by, rollup, having
first skip last rows limit fetch nulls last
sum, max, min, avg, list/listagg
= <> > >= < <= + - * / mod || in between like not like starting with and or
exists, any, some, all
cast, decode, iif, case, coalesce
Almost all Firebird funcions https://firebirdsql.org/refdocs/langrefupd21-intfunc.html, Oracle and MSSQL functions.





Edited by Alexander Sviridenkov
  • Thanks 1

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