Mike Torrettinni 198 Posted September 10, 2019 My projects sometimes work with large files, read, parse, write, export to csv, process... sometimes action can take a few seconds, so I like to change the cursor to crHourGlass at the beginning and then back to crDefault. While refactoring, I had occasions when I created common methods that had the change of cursor while processing. The problem is when I use button to call this method, and I already change cursor in buttons' OnClick. So, a mess. Now I have a rule only to change cursor in control handlers, not in any methods, anymore. This is working good, so far. I have 2 methods that I use instead of remembering exact syntax: procedure SetCursorBegin(Cursor: TCursor = crHourGlass); begin Screen.Cursor := Cursor; end; procedure SetCursorEnd; begin Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; I only develop for Windows. I was just wondering if anybody has different experience and has any good tips on how to deal with cursor changing, or maybe sees a ticking time bomb in my approach to this. Thank you! Share this post Link to post
Dave Nottage 577 Posted September 10, 2019 These days, I avoid changing the cursor at all, but provide feedback in other ways. If it's a long running process, it'll be performed in a background thread. If you really must change the cursor, be sure to save its current value, and wrap it all in a try..finally, e.g. SaveTheCurrentCursorAndChangeToHourGlass; try DoSomeLongProcess; finally RestoreCursorToWhatItWas; end; 4 1 Share this post Link to post
Mike Torrettinni 198 Posted September 10, 2019 Interesting, although I only change cursor to HourGlass and back. That Try.. finally looks odd, being used just for the cursor. Share this post Link to post
Dave Nottage 577 Posted September 10, 2019 Consider if DoSomeLongProcess causes an exception.. what will happen to the cursor if there was no try..finally? Consider also if the cursor was something other than the default before you changed it to an HourGlass? Should you restore it to default, or to what it was before you changed it? 1 Share this post Link to post
Mike Torrettinni 198 Posted September 10, 2019 OK, good questions... not sure how to answer, yet. Share this post Link to post
ConstantGardener 32 Posted September 10, 2019 unit uTempCursor; interface uses Vcl.Controls; type ITempCursor = interface(IInterface) ['{495ADE0F-EFBE-4A0E-BF37-F1ACCACCE03D}'] end; TTempCursor = class(TInterfacedObject, ITempCursor) strict private FCursor: TCursor; public constructor Create(const ACursor: TCursor); destructor Destroy; override; class function SetTempCursor(const ACursor: TCursor = crHourGlass): ITempCursor; end; implementation uses Vcl.Forms; { TTempCursor } constructor TTempCursor.Create(const ACursor: TCursor); begin inherited Create(); FCursor := Screen.Cursor; Screen.Cursor := ACursor; end; destructor TTempCursor.Destroy; begin if Assigned(Screen) then Screen.Cursor := FCursor; inherited Destroy(); end; class function TTempCursor.SetTempCursor(const ACursor: TCursor = crHourGlass): ITempCursor; begin Result := TTempCursor.Create(ACursor); end; end. ...using somthing like this for years (the original idea is from Jeroen Pluimer's i think). Use the SetTempCursor-Function in your code, and when the interface get out of scope, the corsur changes back to the old cursor. uses uTempCursor; procedure LongRun; begin SetTempCursor; // the default is crHourGlass // do the long running stuff end; 2 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted September 10, 2019 I would use something like a CursorManager that would handle the application cursor state like unit Utils.Vcl.CursorManager; interface uses System.Generics.Collections, System.SysUtils, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms; type ICursorToken = interface ['{7ECD8CB7-FF5C-4A5C-9C6C-D1B221432534}'] end; TCursorManager = class private type TCursorRegistration = class(TInterfacedObject, ICursorToken) private FCursor: TCursor; public constructor Create(const ACursor: TCursor); destructor Destroy; override; property Cursor: TCursor read FCursor; end; private class var FRegistrations: TList<TCursorRegistration>; private class constructor Create; class destructor Destroy; class procedure AddRegistration(ARegistration: TCursorRegistration); class procedure RemoveRegistration(ARegistration: TCursorRegistration); public class function SetCursor(const ACursor: TCursor): ICursorToken; end; implementation { TCursorManager } class procedure TCursorManager.AddRegistration(ARegistration: TCursorRegistration); begin FRegistrations.Add(ARegistration); Screen.Cursor := ARegistration.Cursor; end; class constructor TCursorManager.Create; begin TCursorManager.FRegistrations := TList<TCursorRegistration>.Create(); end; class destructor TCursorManager.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(TCursorManager.FRegistrations); end; class procedure TCursorManager.RemoveRegistration(ARegistration: TCursorRegistration); begin if not Assigned(FRegistrations) then Exit; FRegistrations.Remove(ARegistration); if FRegistrations.Count > 0 then Screen.Cursor := FRegistrations.Last.Cursor else Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; class function TCursorManager.SetCursor(const ACursor: TCursor): ICursorToken; var lCursorRegistration: TCursorRegistration; begin lCursorRegistration := TCursorRegistration.Create(ACursor); AddRegistration(lCursorRegistration); Result := lCursorRegistration; end; { TCursorManager.TCursorRegistration } constructor TCursorManager.TCursorRegistration.Create(const ACursor: TCursor); begin inherited Create; FCursor := ACursor; end; destructor TCursorManager.TCursorRegistration.Destroy; begin TCursorManager.RemoveRegistration(Self); inherited; end; end. Now it does not matter if you have code running in fore- or background or how much time you will change the cursor. It will ensure that the last active cursor state is set. Example for foreground running code uses Utils.Vcl.CursorManager; procedure LongRun; begin TCursorManager.SetCursor(crHourGlass); // the default is crHourGlass // do the long running stuff end; and for background running code uses Utils.Vcl.CursorManager; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var cur: ICursorRegistration; begin Button1.Enabled := False; cur := TCursorManager.SetCursor(crHourGlass); TTask.Run(procedure begin try // do the long running stuff finally TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin Button1.Enabled := True; cur := nil; // only to keep alive until this method ends end); end; end); end; Share this post Link to post
David Heffernan 2366 Posted September 10, 2019 4 hours ago, Mike Torrettinni said: Interesting, although I only change cursor to HourGlass and back. That Try.. finally looks odd, being used just for the cursor. Why would that be odd? That's pretty much a canonical use of try finally. 3 Share this post Link to post
Alexander Elagin 143 Posted September 10, 2019 I usually use a simple class with a counter and two methods, like BeginWait and EndWait. The first one increments the counter and sets the cursor to crHourglass if the counter was 0, the second one decrements the counter if it is positive and reverts the cursor back to crDefault when the counter is 0. Of course, with the obligatory try..finally to make sure that each BeginWait has a matching EndWait and with critical sections if multithreaded. 3 Share this post Link to post
Fr0sT.Brutal 901 Posted September 10, 2019 IMO nowadays it's better to show modal progress window (or even make the process async) Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted September 10, 2019 (edited) 6 minutes ago, Fr0sT.Brutal said: IMO nowadays it's better to show modal progress window (or even make the process async) Async, sure - but the user has to wait anyway and you can indicate that with the HourGlass cursor. It is not limited to sync operations. Sync long operations are indicated by the modern OS itself, showing the HourGlass and adding Not Responding to the forms caption, so no work to do at all. Edited September 10, 2019 by Guest Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted September 10, 2019 54 minutes ago, Schokohase said: Sync long operations are indicated by the modern OS itself, showing the HourGlass and adding Not Responding to the forms caption, so no work to do at all. IMHO, if you allow windows to do that, something is a bit off. It is not good UI/UX, users interpret this in different ways depending on what other software they are using. Some get an almost extreme adrenaline-surge. Be kind to users. Granted, running an app on so many different OS versions, hardware, networks it is almost impossible to achieve,but we should try to avoid it. Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted September 10, 2019 1 minute ago, Dany Marmur said: IMHO, if you allow windows to do that, something is a bit off. It is not good UI/UX, users interpret this in different ways depending on what other software they are using. Some get an almost extreme adrenaline-surge. Be kind to users. Granted, running an app on so many different OS versions, hardware, networks it is almost impossible to achieve,but we should try to avoid it. Yes, of course. But I understand @Fr0sT.Brutal comment that he would not set the cursor because he would use a modal progress window or an async process. And my point is, you do not need to set the cursor if you have synchron long running code (because the OS will do for you) - so it only make sense to set the cursor when having code running async. Share this post Link to post
David Heffernan 2366 Posted September 10, 2019 3 hours ago, Schokohase said: And my point is, you do not need to set the cursor if you have synchron long running code (because the OS will do for you) - so it only make sense to set the cursor when having code running async. This approach is what you take when you hate your users. They can't tell whether or not your program is stuck in a non terminating loop, and the OS asks if you want to terminate the program. So only do this if you want to make your users suffer. 1 2 Share this post Link to post
Mike Torrettinni 198 Posted September 10, 2019 Wow, some complex implementation of cursor... when I changed to my simple 2 methods, I thought it is overkill 🙂 12 hours ago, David Heffernan said: Why would that be odd? That's pretty much a canonical use of try finally. I'm not used to using try in my control handlers, usually 1 or 2 calls to methods and ShowMessage when needed. But it makes sense, of course using it for this case. Share this post Link to post
Alexander Elagin 143 Posted September 11, 2019 10 hours ago, Mike Torrettinni said: Wow, some complex implementation of cursor... when I changed to my simple 2 methods, I thought it is overkill 🙂 Today one cannot write two simple methods and be happy. There must be classes, interfaces, factories, patterns etc - that's the serious approach . Have you seen the FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition ? 3 Share this post Link to post
Mike Torrettinni 198 Posted September 11, 2019 On 9/10/2019 at 12:29 AM, ConstantGardener said: Use the SetTempCursor-Function in your code, and when the interface get out of scope, the corsur changes back to the old cursor. uses uTempCursor; procedure LongRun; begin SetTempCursor; // the default is crHourGlass // do the long running stuff end; I don't have experience with interfaces, but does this actually mean what it says: you just call SetTempCursor that creates Interface and when LongRun procedure is done, it will destroy interface automatically and re-set cursor? No need for local variable, no need for Interface=nil or something similar at the end of LongRun procedure that will trigger Destroy method? Share this post Link to post
timfrost 81 Posted September 11, 2019 Yes. I have also been using a variant of this code for many years. Share this post Link to post
Larry Hengen 39 Posted September 11, 2019 I have also been using a variant of code from Jeroen W. Pluimers website. I have incorporated it into the hcOPF project and added support for FMX. The code credit contains the original blog post. hcTemporaryCursor.pas 1 Share this post Link to post
ConstantGardener 32 Posted September 11, 2019 3 hours ago, Mike Torrettinni said: I don't have experience with interfaces, but does this actually mean what it says: you just call SetTempCursor that creates Interface and when LongRun procedure is done, it will destroy interface automatically and re-set cursor? No need for local variable, no need for Interface=nil or something similar at the end of LongRun procedure that will trigger Destroy method? exactly! 1 Share this post Link to post