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Markus Kinzler

Sourcecode for BOLD published at GitHub

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The original source code of the Bold library for Delphi Version Bold for Delphi, Release 4.0 - 2004-04-23

Bold is a tool in the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) space, which allows you to start with an UML model of your application and a set of business rules written in a high level language and “execute” the model after creating a graphical user interface for it. Bold includes a sophisticated object-relational mapping layer, ability to map data to multiple formats, changes synchronization, and much more. It includes a large amount of IDE integrated tools and options to work with external UML modeling software.

For more information see:

The project source code has been made available by https://www.embarcadero.com/ and published under an MIT license.

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IIRC Bold was a hot for RAD. I don't really know too much about it. 

Do you think it's still relevant today except for maintaining existing projects that use Bold?

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Rather than dumping old unmaintained projects, I'd rather they open sourced elements of the existing offering so that the community can help to improve things. The RTL and associated unit tests would be a good start.

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@WillH Actually the project is maintained 17 years by these people


We have our Bold source in a private repository and can contribute anytime. It has been in production for 17 years now. We make continuous bugfixes and optimizations in the source. Sometimes also new features. Currently, we are using Delphi 10.3 Rio but will soon switch to 10.4 Sydney.

Now they can legally open their changes to everyone.

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On 9/23/2020 at 2:00 PM, Kryvich said:

@WillH Actually the project is maintained 17 years by these people

Now they can legally open their changes to everyone.

I am a member of that team using Delphi 11.3 now if someone is interested to know more about BoldI can tell more 😊

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