Lars Fosdal 1826 Posted September 25, 2020 I was pondering on what I could do to simplify doing ad-hoc queries and minimize the scaffolding code required, so I came up with this. Note that this code was yanked from one of our units, and hence is not directly runnable as it is missing some functions, and the code that sets up the connection, etc. - but it should give you the general gist of it works. It is not pretty nor perfect, but it works, and if there are glaring mistakes or potential problems, I expect you will tell me all about them 🙂 unit SomeUnit; type RUser = record id: Integer; name: string; displayname: string; end; implementation procedure TSomeClass.ListThoseUsers(const aDB: TDatabase); var Users: TArray<RUser>; begin Users := DB.SelectArray<RUser>('select id, name, displayname from v_users'); // Do whatever you need to do with the user list here end; I am pretty sure that you can create records with fields of types that will cause the TValue conversion to fail horribly, but this deals fine with the basic types as well as enumerated types. Note that the record type needs to be declared in the unit's interface section to get the proper RTTI. Doing a test run from at home to a database server in Trondheim, 700km away - the logs showedSelectArray<SomeUnit.RUser>("select Id, Name, DisplayName from v_users") returned 161 rows in 0:00,024 24 ms is not blisteringly fast, but acceptable. function TDatabase.SelectArray<T>(const sSQL: String): TArray<T>; var Info: String; StopWatch: TStopWatch; Query: TFDQuery; Retry: Boolean; FieldName, RetryMsg: string; rType: TRTTIType; RecField: TArray<TRTTIField>; DBField: TArray<TField>; fx, rx, rc: Integer; begin Retry := False; repeat if Connect then try if Retry then RetryMsg := '#RETRY ' else RetryMsg := ''; StopWatch := TStopWatch.StartNew; rtype := TRTTIContext.Create.GetType(TypeInfo(T)); Info := RetryMsg + 'SelectArray<'+rtype.QualifiedName+'>("' + sSQL+ '") '; Query := TFDQuery.Create(nil); Query.Connection := Connection; Query.ResourceOptions.ParamCreate := False; Query.FetchOptions.Mode := fmAll; Query.FetchOptions.Unidirectional := Unidirectional; Query.SQL.Text := sSQL; try Query.Open; rc := Query.RecordCount; if (Query.FieldCount >= 1) and (rc > 1) then begin RecField := rtype.GetFields; // Fetch field list from record type SetLength(DBField, Length(RecField)); try // Lookup record fields in database result set. Will raise exception if field not found for fx := Low(RecField) to High(RecField) do begin FieldName := RecField[fx].Name; DBField[fx] := Query.FieldByName(FieldName); end; except on E: Exception do begin Info := Info + ' - Field ' + rType.QualifiedName + '.' + FieldName + ' was not found in result set.'; raise; end; end; // for each row in the result set SetLength(Result, rc); for rx := 0 to rc - 1 do begin for fx := Low(RecField) to High(RecField) // for each field in the record, transfer row field to record field do begin if RecField[fx].FieldType.TypeKind = tkEnumeration then RecField[fx].SetValue(@Result[rx], TValue.FromOrdinal(RecField[fx].FieldType.Handle, DBField[fx].AsInteger)) else RecField[fx].SetValue(@Result[rx], TValue.FromVariant(DBField[fx].Value)); end; Query.Next; end; if DebugLogging then DebugOut(Info + ' returned ' + rc.ToString + ' rows in ' + TimeSpanToStr(StopWatch.Elapsed)); end else begin SetLength(Result, 0); end; finally Query.Free; end; Retry := False; except on DBE:EFDDBEngineException do begin LogDBException(DBE, Info, Retry); if not Retry then RAISE; end; on E:Exception do begin LogException(E, Info); RAISE; end; end else raise EDbConnectionFailure.Create(Info + ' DB Error: Could not connect.'); until not Retry; end; Share this post Link to post
Uwe Raabe 2104 Posted September 25, 2020 Not sure if it fits your needs, but nevertheless this might be an interesting read for you (unless you have already done so): Dataset Enumerator Reloaded And here ist the corresponding rep: DataSetEnumerator 3 Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1826 Posted September 25, 2020 Nice one, Uwe! I see I am late to the show 🙂 Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1826 Posted September 25, 2020 @Attila Kovacs - ORMs are nice, but this project didn't use one. Share this post Link to post
Jacek Laskowski 57 Posted September 25, 2020 Look at my idea, without records, but with interfaces, SQL is generated automatically, moreover UPDATE and INSERT works 😉 1 Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1826 Posted September 25, 2020 @Jacek Laskowski We don't do direct insert/update/delete operations from the client software - but have to explicitly call stored procs instead. Client does not have rights to do inserts/updates - and may only call a specific set of database routines. Share this post Link to post
Jacek Laskowski 57 Posted September 25, 2020 @Lars Fosdal Ok, ok, I just wanted to expand the topic: FireDAC, RTTI and generics 😉 1 Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 644 Posted September 25, 2020 @Lars Fosdal I heard that several times and I still can't imagine why not a middle tier, why sp's? Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1826 Posted September 25, 2020 @Attila Kovacs The SPs often contain business logic, validation/sanitation, state change logging, queueing to signaling mechanisms, etc. - and can be called from multiple external systems. With a lot of concurrent actors, transactional integrity is a challenge. Share this post Link to post
Uwe Raabe 2104 Posted September 25, 2020 1 hour ago, Lars Fosdal said: can be called from multiple external systems That's an important point. There are situations where your program is not the only one accessing the data. This doesn't mean that it could not be done different, but sometimes these other systems are out of your reach. Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1826 Posted September 25, 2020 For us, it is typically third party systems that deal with production handling, i.e. whenever something is labeled with a serial number and/or a weight, - or added, removed or repositioned in some robotic storage system, or a laboratory system changes the approval status of a production batch. The WMS needs to know what is where, in what condition, at all times. The architecture is over a decade old, and if redesigned from bottom up today - probably none of the involved parties would have direct access to the DB. None of our software uses data-aware components. Share this post Link to post
Wagner Landgraf 44 Posted September 25, 2020 3 hours ago, Lars Fosdal said: @Attila Kovacs - ORMs are nice, but this project didn't use one. Until you start using it. You are actually adding one right now. Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1826 Posted September 25, 2020 1 minute ago, Wagner Landgraf said: Until you start using it. You are actually adding one right now. As ORMs go, this one would be veeery light weight. Share this post Link to post
Esteban Pacheco 16 Posted September 25, 2020 DataSetEnumerator is great. Certain complex types may cause trouble here and there but it is a default unit on anything I build. Thank you Uwe. Share this post Link to post
Andrea Raimondi 13 Posted September 26, 2020 @Lars Fosdal I have a sort of Mini-ORM somewhere which would be beneficial for you because it starts from the assumption that there is a truckloadworth of SQL already written. Share this post Link to post