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GExperts 1.3.18 experimental twm 2021-02-21 released

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COVID-19 got us all down a bit and even with the vaccines theoretically available now, the light at the end of the tunnel seems very far away. My own turn for a jab will probably not come before fall 2021, so I can only hope that summer will reduce the infection rates as much as it did last year, but the new mutants that spread around the world definitely aren’t good news.


Maybe I can lighten up your mood a bit with a new GExperts release.

There are a few bug fixes and an also a few new features in the new version, but nothing really exciting.


read on in the blog post.

Edited by dummzeuch
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@FredS Ahm, I know this! "In welchen saisonalen Zeiträumen sind Coronaviren in Mitteleuropa normalerweise aktiv?" except summer holiday and xmas, 05:00-19:59.

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The Danes are currently having an upswing in cases due to the English mutation, and we are usually about four weeks after the Danes. I am the type of person that is happy in my own company and not dependent on hanging out with people outside the family to be stimulated, but even I am beginning to feel the pressures of self-isolation.  I miss seing the users and my colleagues over a beer. That constant little ping of fear when venturing into the shopping centers and stores, wearing a mask, sanitizing my hands. It is a stress factor unlike anything I've ever endured before. There still are hundreds of thousands of people in front of me in the vaccination queue.

But - you do what you can and embrace the days as they come. 

Thinking about Delphi things is a good diversion, so keep letting out more genies GExperts 🙂

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I tried building GExperts  for 10.4 from source but svn appears to be missing a file

I:\GExperts\source\framework\GX_UnitExportsParser.pas(13): error F2613: Unit 'GX_UnitExportList' not found. [I:\GExpert

This is after running svn update.

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Oddly enough, the file is right there: In Directory Source\UsesExpert:


(Maybe it doesn't really belong in this directory because it's used by a unit in framework)


I'm not sure what causes the compile error, but I will investigate.

Did you compile in the IDE or via the build script?

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  On 2/23/2021 at 8:25 AM, dummzeuch said:

Did you compile in the IDE or via the build script?

I just used the build script, which has worked fine for me until this error recently (a few weeks ago I think). 


The file is there in my local copy too.. so must be a path issue? 

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Hm, that's odd: I just checked out the sources to a new directory and run the build script. Compiled fine.

(Bloody license server is acting up again, so I can't load it into the IDE right now.)

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Never mind, I deleted my local copy an checked out again, and it builds fine. No idea why as svn wasn't showing any changes to the source (apart from GXIcons.res which happens during the build). 

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Hi. In first time, thank you for your contributions.

I have installed this version on my D10.4.2 Professional.

I always get an Access violation error when I close the IDE if Gexperts are installed.

Captura de pantalla 2021-04-08 094205.png

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