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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/19 in Posts

  1. Coming into a project which has built for years on the philosophy that a "sole developer" could deal with things, and then success led to 10 or more developers, I have to say I think it is best to plan for success. Legacy code is too often very ugly.
  2. That only changes the perception of the problem, not its existence.
  3. dummzeuch

    Is editing posts disabled?

    If I remember correctly, this topic has been discussed before and the admins have explained their reasons for these restrictions. Try searching the forum.
  4. mikak

    Adding applications

    I'll have to look at them. 🙂
  5. Hi... Definitely yes. The advantage of inheritance is that when you make changes in the base form, you have the same changes in the other forms. Caution: With too many inheritance levels the overview is then again bad. I prefer max 3 levels. Example (picture): Form.ChoiceFilesDialog -> Form.BaseDialog -> Form.Base
  6. Remy Lebeau

    Indy - TIdMultiPartFormDataStream

    You should not use the Request.CustomHeaders property to set the 'Content-Type' header, use the Request.ContentType property instead. And the official way to send an 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' post with TIdHTTP is to use the overloaded version of the TIdHTTP.Post() method that takes a TStrings as input, not the overload that takes a TStream as input. The TStrings overload takes a list of 'name=value' strings and posts them in 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' format for you. Absolutely. See above. You are using the wrong approach and should update your code to let TIdHTTP do the hard work for you. Especially in regards to how the 'name=value' strings get formatted. TIdHTTP follows the HTML5 standard in that regard, which saves you the trouble of having to deal with it manually.
  7. David Heffernan

    Jumping to methods via procedure list does not expand region

    Any developer or organisation that cares about quality should be flexible enough to accept bug reports from a variety of channels. Clearly if the reporter can enter a high quality report in the project bug tracker, then that is the ideal. But in reality that is not always possible. Sometimes these reports are unclear and imprecise and the project owner has to edit the report. And sometimes the reporter just won't take the required steps. Sometimes the reporter is stubborn and for inexplicable reasons refuses to give their email address and a password to sourceforge 😉 But what developer would here of a bug in their software and not want to fix it? Any developer that is prepared to let bugs pass if they aren't in the tracker should just give up. Incidentally, it grinds my gears that Emba killed QC without transferring open reports to the replacement. On numerous occasions I have been asked by Emba staff to resubmit to QP the litany of open floating point related bugs that I submitted to QC. It makes no sense to me at all that any developers that care about quality would do that.
  8. Dalija Prasnikar

    Jumping to methods via procedure list does not expand region

    If you care about quality it does not really matter where the bug was reported. What matters is that people who need to know are aware of the bug.