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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/19 in all areas

  1. Anders Melander

    Saving a large project takes soooo Loooonnnnggg..

    I'm not saying that the feature doesn't make sense. I'm saying that it doesn't make sense that these settings can be edited more than one place and that one of the places is the global Components, Install Packages dialog. After all if I still get confused about this after using Delphi for 24 years, then there's either something wrong with the UI or I'm just slow. Change the global dialog so it doesn't edit the project package list and instead make it clear that it's editing the default options and there's no confusion. Even better, and I remember this was discussed ad nauseam some twenty years ago, but if the package list had been opt-in instead of opt-out then much of these package juggling problems wouldn't exist.
  2. uses Spring.VirtualClass; procedure NotifyFree(const Self: TObject); var freeInstance: TFreeInstance; begin freeInstance := GetClassData(Self.ClassParent).FreeInstance; Writeln('Object of class ', Self.ClassName, ' destroyed'); freeInstance(Self); end; var vc: TVirtualClasses; o: TObject; begin vc := TVirtualClasses.Create; try o := TObject.Create; try vc.Proxify(o); GetClassData(o.ClassType).FreeInstance := NotifyFree; finally o.Free; end; finally vc.Free; end; end.
  3. Dmitry Arefiev

    Saving a large project takes soooo Loooonnnnggg..

    In short future this and other IDE performance issues will be resolved ... I hope 🙂
  4. Anders Melander

    Saving a large project takes soooo Loooonnnnggg..

    That typically doesn't stick. For some reason Delphi enables the packages again sooner or later. It's been like that for as long as I can remember.
  5. FPiette

    ICS registration

    @Bob4231, don't do that. I'm only interested in real picture postcard. If you really like ICS, maybe you'll take time to find a picture postcard in a nearby town. I think they are sold everywhere in the world. BTW: I already have more than 4000 postcards!
  6. When I want to check this type of thing I create a debugging profiles specifically for CodeSite tracing and I install the trace calls with IFDEFs (in the constructors and destructors) so they are not in the main debugging code or release. You can then see a call hierarchy for objects. Obviously you would need the full version of CodeSite for this.