I'm porting to various environments, depending on the need of the application. I am almost finished with a port of a Mac application to Swift (using Xcode). Granted this was more of a rewrite but since our customer requires 64 bit support (so they can deploy to the Mac App Store) and refuses to pay us without 64 bit support so I had no choice. Since from a customers perspective the application is exactly the same I cannot charge for porting, especially since I was the one that convinced the customer to go with Delphi when we started this project two years ago.... I feel like an idiot for having defended Emba/Delphi and now I am paying the price...
Other tools (mainly data analysis) I've ported to Python. This was also more of a rewrite and required a completely different mindset. My reservations "Python is just a script language" and "not type safe?" turned out to be completely unfounded; Properly written ("Pythonic") code is beautiful! Third party (open source) availability is simply amazing (micro-service architecture using ZeroMQ).
I did briefly consider Lazarus but decided against it. I could not afford to take any risks (swift on Mac OS is basically a given w.r.t. support) and Python runs anywhere. Stubbornly staying with object pascal also "felt" wrong; if the tool/language I trusted and relied upon for 20 years betrayed me I might as well take a deep dive and go in a completely different direction.
As a side-note: having seen what modern IDE's can do (Xcode/PyCharm) and what a joy they are to work with I highly doubt Emba will be able to catch up even if they start treating their customers as customers again.
I'm not ruling out ever taking a subscription again but it is going to take some really impressive releases and flawless ethical behaviour for Emba to regain my trust.