Fair point, but it's more a matter of "when" and "where"...
I began using C in 1985, learned C++ about a year later and used it heavily from 1987 thru about 2000. Delphi was released in 1995 and it replaced C++ in my daily work by 2000.
I used C/C++ at the time b/c I was doing embedded real-time system programming. Work in business apps, mostly under Windows, was taking off in the 90's, and it became far easier to find Delphi work than C/C++ work.
Now it's getting hard to find ANY work b/c potential employers want to see 3+ years of immediate hands-on experience with whatever tools they happen to be using. (I remember seeing an ad for a job about 6 months after Apple published their iOS API that stated "must have at least 3 years experience working in iOS".) It's possible to learn pretty much anything, but you can't magically conjure up OTJ experience for them. 🙂
The last bunch of C code I looked at was some open-source stuff that was written in a way to simulate what C++ did, but in the author's words, "to avoid the overhead that C++ imposes at run-time". So instead, you had to write tons of highly stylized code to pretend you were working with classes.
The last bunch of C++ code I looked at was well over a decade old and was about as "vanilla" as you could get. It hardly even implemented any of the idioms from that famous "C++ Idioms" book. Not a whole lot of consistency across any of the class designs.
There was also a Delphi gig I had around 2004 where I was asked to maintain some code written by a guy steeped in C++; it was an unbelievably large and convoluted class library in Delphi that was extremely hard to figure out even with C++ expertise.
Ditto for Delphi. In fact, all of the Delphi gigs I've had in the past 10 years were all maintaining D6/D7 code. Sadly the main reason a couple of them migrated to newer versions of Delphi was because the IT people there forced them to upgrade SQL Server and they needed to upgrade some libs they used with it that were only available in newer versions of Delphi.
So aside from the fact that I try to keep up with the latest Delphi features myself, it's not due to any actual employment / OTJ needs.
As an aside, there was a time I was working on learning Java. It's very similar to C/C++ in my mind, and Java 8 had just been introduced. I ran into a curious problem. I'd see job reqs that just specified "Java" (no version#) and libs like Spring. When I'd inquire more deeply, I'd find out they were almost all using Java 5. I talked with a VP of software at InfusionSoft at a job fair about this and asked, "When are you moving to Java 7?" and he admitted their entire platform was based on Java 5 and they had a few guys working on Java 6, but it would be at least 2 years before they could switch because they'd have to completely rearchitect their entire platform first. Meanwhile, he said they were hiring as many Java (?) developers as fast as they could.
State Farm moved their world development HQ to Phoenix and they have been hiring Java devs like crazy. All Java 5 at the time I inquired, but they don't say that in any of the job reqs I've seen.
I was particularly interested in the functional aspects added to Java 7, and not one place I talked with said they're using them (or even Java 7 itself).
Kind of the same way none of the Delphi projects I've worked on use Interface units for anything other than those mandated by OCX. The last place I was at, my colleagues complained about my use of functional code stuff in Delphi using a library that made it much easier. It sure did simplify the code and make it a lot easier to read, but they just weren't interested.
So I'm glad to hear there are places that actually keep up with new languages features and idiomatic uses. That's not what I've encountered over the past 25 years in this field, and not for lack of trying. I've found places that use the latest versions of Delphi, for example, but almost none of the features introduced since D2010. Trying to introduce them starts pushing upstream against fears rooted in the harm refactoring can have vs. stability. Very little new code is being written, and when it does happen, they want you to follow existing coding practices so future maintainers don't have to deal with a variety of coding styles.
That sort of attitude is hardly language-specific in my experience.
As the old saying goes, YMMV.