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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/19 in Posts

  1. David Schwartz

    Any update on the v10.3.3 release?

    I use a VM. Installing a new Delphi update is just as much of a PITA on a VM as on a host machine.
  2. Remy Lebeau

    Any update on the v10.3.3 release?

    Or email the RAD Studio beta directly: rad.beta@embarcadero.com
  3. Darian Miller

    Check what Patches I have installed, or not?

    I had this idea brewing for a bit, so while working on another project, I put together some info on 10.3+ in a Github Wiki as a start. Since a new EDN portal is coming with 10.3.3, perhaps this won't be needed to be populated for older versions....I might do so if the EDN portal is underwhelming, or if I just want all the info in one place and I have more time: https://github.com/ideasawakened/DelphiKB/wiki/Delphi-Master-Release-List
  4. Stefan Glienke

    place of "mark site read" Button

    Next to the "unread content" one just like at the bottom I would say
  5. GExperts can do the latter, but not automatically for a whole project, only for the uses clause of the current unit.
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    IDE addin for project-wide uses clause report?

    Pascal analyzer can do this (it has free lite version) The metric is under Reports > Reference > Uses Alternatively, there's delphiunitsizes tool that grabs list of used units from the binary
  7. aehimself

    jpg validation

    I do not envy AV programmers. Most of us love to blame them for everything 😄
  8. limelect

    IDE addin for project-wide uses clause report?

    http://pasdoc.sourceforge.net/ and it is free It has sources
  9. braunbaer

    Application Loader no longer included in Xcode11

    Hi, There is a new App from Apple: Transporter https://apps.apple.com/at/app/transporter/id1450874784?mt=12 i have not testet it yet, but it looks good! Here is the post on the German delphipraxis: https://www.delphipraxis.net/202280-neuer-apple-application-loader.html Regards Gebhard
  10. Maybe this is time to do it the right way? Given that you have to change.
  11. Remy Lebeau


    The List Separator is expected to be 1 character, but is documented to allow up to 3 characters: Doubtful, but the API is probably intended to handle MBCS characters, which I would expect the API to convert into proper UTF-16 characters when queried (and hopefully they fall into the U+0000..U+FFFF range so they fit into a single Char in Delphi 2009+).
  12. Remy Lebeau

    New to Json

    The 2nd JSON object in the "conditions" array DOES NOT have a "bar_sea_level" value in it, so calling JsonObject.GetValue('bar_sea_level') returns nil. The "bar_sea_level" value is actually in the 3rd JSON object in the array, so you need to use Items[2] instead of Items[1]: var JsonValue: TJSONValue; JsonObject, JsonData: TJSONObject; JsonConditions: TJSONArray; Branch: string; ... begin ... JsonValue := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(st); if JsonValue <> nil then try JsonObject := JsonValue as TJSONObject; JsonData := JsonObject.GetValue('data') as TJSONObject; JsonConditions := JsonData.GetValue('conditions') as TJSONArray; JsonObject := JsonConditions.Items[0] as TJSONObject; Branch := JsonObject.GetValue('temp').Value; memo1.Lines.add('Parsed temperature '+branch); JsonObject := JsonConditions.Items[2] as TJSONObject; Branch := JsonObject.GetValue('bar_sea_level').Value; memo1.Lines.add('Parsed barometer '+branch); finally JsonValue.Free; end; ... end; It helps to view the JSON in an indented format so you can more clearly see the actual hierarchy of values, objects, and arrays, eg: { "data":{ "did":"001D0A710197", "ts":1557136813, "conditions":[ { "lsid":223656, "data_structure_type":1, "txid":1, "temp": 52.7, "hum":66.3, "dew_point": 41.8, "wet_bulb": 46.2, "heat_index": 51.7, "wind_chill": 52.7, "thw_index": 51.7, "thsw_index": 49.7, "wind_speed_last":0.00, "wind_dir_last":0, "wind_speed_avg_last_1_min":0.00, "wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min":null, "wind_speed_avg_last_2_min":0.00, "wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min":null, "wind_speed_hi_last_2_min":0.00, "wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min":0, "wind_speed_avg_last_10_min":0.00, "wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min":null, "wind_speed_hi_last_10_min":0.00, "wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min":0, "rain_size":2, "rain_rate_last":0, "rain_rate_hi":0, "rainfall_last_15_min":0, "rain_rate_hi_last_15_min":0, "rainfall_last_60_min":0, "rainfall_last_24_hr":0, "rain_storm":null, "rain_storm_start_at":null, "solar_rad":0, "uv_index":0.0, "rx_state":0, "trans_battery_flag":0, "rainfall_daily":0, "rainfall_monthly":0, "rainfall_year":0, "rain_storm_last":null, "rain_storm_last_start_at":null, "rain_storm_last_end_at":null }, { "lsid":223554, "data_structure_type":4, "temp_in": 69.1, "hum_in":38.2, "dew_point_in": 42.6, "heat_index_in": 66.8 }, { "lsid":223553, "data_structure_type":3, "bar_sea_level":29.932, "bar_trend": 0.028, "bar_absolute":29.404 } ] }, "error":null } Now you can clearly see that there are 3 objects in the "conditions" array.