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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/20 in Posts

  1. How to use open array parameters to handle array subranges: https://delphisorcery.blogspot.com/2020/09/open-array-parameters-and-subranges.html
  2. When you compile a package, you can findi in Project->Information for ProjectName a listbox with all the packages it needs I'd like to get that list so I can have all included in the application installer Otherwise, I just get a message "Can't find the specified module" Any help would be largely appreciated
  3. Mahdi Safsafi

    Open array parameters and subranges

    Very nice article Stefan and the way you used Slice to avoid the copy is amazing ! Speaking of bugs, I found two drawback related to using open array param: First, I already wrote on this forum a topic about unnamed type and rtti. Compiler do not generate rtti for an unnamed type ! this is easy to avoid with most types because all what you need to do is to declare the type : type x = xxx. But for open array type that's impossible because the syntax conflicts with dynamic array syntax ! So I suppose there is no official way to have a correct rtti for a function that uses open array param. Second, On my D10.3, the TArray<T> example caused an "IDE/Compiler not responding" issue that always ends up by IDE restart: I was able to isolate the line that causes the issue : MergeSort(Slice(TOpenArray<T>((@values[mid])^), len - mid)); // if I comment this line everything works great ! I tried with different build mode (debug,release) and on different project and the result is always the same
  4. You can use Google maps. There is an API at google to display tracks or symbols above their maps of satellite view. For that, within a Delphi program, you can embed a browser component and write a lot of JavaScript. There are commercial components already made. Among them is one from TMS Software: http://www.tmssoftware.biz/Download/Manuals/TMSFNCMapsDevGuide.pdf But there are alternative. You can also use OpenStreetMap which is an open source map project. Maps are available and as well as documentation to use it. It even exists Delphi source code to handle it. See one by @Fr0sT.Brutal here: https://github.com/Fr0sT-Brutal/Delphi_OSMMap
  5. Anders Melander

    looking for UI design ideas for tracking a process

    Building on your concept I would suggest something like this: I've attached the 14 image segments used to create the above. progress arrow elements.zip
  6. Joseph MItzen

    10.4.1 Released today

    When did they hire a Java developer to name things?
  7. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    IDEFixPack 6.4.4 stop working

    @jbg (sorry to hijack this thread) but will you provide IDEFix pack for 10.4.1 ? IDE is such slow without your work.
  8. haentschman

    Moving Projects Folder

    Hi... Is this what you mean? ...the base folder for new projects? ...in german
  9. Every request needs evaluation to understand WHY the request is being raised, and if the request actually is what the customer needs - or if he is just attempting to scratch an itch instead of curing the cause of the itch.