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  1. Renate Schaaf

    Project Bitmaps2Video on GitHub

    This is my video-project on GitHub: https://github.com/rmesch/Bitmaps2Video I am presenting it here, because it is useful as it is, but could use some ideas for improvement. Features: A Delphi-class to support encoding of a series of bitmaps and video clips to a video file Requires the ffmpeg-library and is intended as an easy to use interface to this library Versions for Win32/Win64 and a cross-platform version currently supporting Win32/Win64/Android32/Android64 Most popular file formats and codecs supported, more codecs contained in FFMpeg can be registered Rudimentary support for adding an audio-stream Demos for both versions, set up to compile and run "out of the box", as library files and support for their deployment to Android are included There are some problem areas though, the most important one in my opinion being threading issues with TBitmap under Android. For more see the readme and the demos. Critique, ideas, bug reports most welcome, maybe someone would even like to contribute, that would be delightful. There have been valuable contributions so far, but there are some areas which could use the input of an expert. Thanks for reading, Renate
  2. FPiette

    remove part of string and compare

    Sorry but for me "welcome.com" is simply the domain part of the URL.
  3. Edwin Yip

    Compile code on the fly...?

    IIRC SQLite, Lua-JIT, the new PHP, all achieved good performance by bytecode compiler/executor (JIT).
  4. FPiette

    remove part of string and compare

    function ExtractDomain(const URL : String) : String; var I, J : Integer; begin I := Pos('://', URL); if I <= 0 then I := 1 else Inc(I, 3); J := Pos('/', URL, I); if J <= 0 then begin Result := Copy(URL, I, MAXINT); Exit; end; Result := Copy(URL, I, J - I); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Index : Integer; Dict : TDictionary<String, Integer>; URL : String; Domain : String; Value : Integer; begin Dict := TDictionary<String, Integer>.Create(10000); try ListBox1.Items.BeginUpdate; try for Index := ListBox1.Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin URL := ListBox1.Items[Index]; if URL = '' then begin ListBox1.Items.Delete(Index); continue; end; Domain := ExtractDomain(Trim(UpperCase(URL))); if Dict.TryGetValue(Domain, Value) then begin // Domain already found, delete from ListBox ListBox1.Items.Delete(Index); continue; end; // Domain not seen before, add to dictionary and don't remove from list Dict.Add(Domain, 0); end; finally ListBox1.Items.EndUpdate; end; finally FreeAndNil(Dict); end; end; This will check for domain by ignoring character casing and ignoring the protocol. You may adept this to a TStrings easily. I used a dictionary because you said you have 10K items. A dictionary should be faster than a simple list when there are a lot of items but I have not checked how many items are required so that dictionary is faster than list.
  5. Anders Melander

    Compile code on the fly...?

    Okay. I'll try with a simpler example (apologies to @Kas Ob. if he/she/they already covered it, but it's friday and TLDR). Byte code is just the instruction set for a specialized virtual CPU so in this case it's a virtual CPU that only knows how to search stuff. A byte code compiler is a compiler that transforms "something" (in this case search parameters) into the virtual CPU assembler. The implementation of the virtual CPU is called an interpreter if it executes the byte code instruction from scratch each time you execute the "byte code program". If it instead compiles the byte code into actual processor opcodes the first time and then execute those the first and subsequent times, then it's called just-in-time compiler. One of the first pascal implementation was UCSD Pascal which ran on the UCSD p-System - a byte code virtual machine. P.S. You really should try to read about and understand these old concepts. While they might not seem relevant to you now, understanding and knowing about them can only improve your skills.